A new paradigm of Spiritual Healers is needed for these changing and expansive times.
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September 26, 2023
11:11amPST – 1:11pmPST
In our Online Sacred Zoom Room
Replay available.
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Unleash a new level of abundance as a healer.
Catapult your existing healing “business” to a new, upleveled expression.
Activate your mission more fully.
Something we never thought would happen, happened.
Being a spiritual healer, intuitive, psychic, etc. became trendy.
Lifetimes of isolation, public scorn and mockery dissolved as the collective consciousness has risen to a higher 4D placement. This means things like astrology, psychic readings, affirmations, tarot cards and the like are mainstream, public knowledge, and are frequently being used by the collective, and appear in mainstream media.
This is an exciting expansion!
And, it has also led to a glut of scammers, wannabe’s and faux newly awakened beings flooding the Earth, preying upon those who are vulnerable and legitimately spiritually awakened (and realizing they aren’t ready to make it into a business just yet 😉).
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The great news is, the collective is on the brink of activating a 5D consciousness (Source/Love-based and led), and awakenings are happening every day, all day for all available for this.
Side note: That’s also why the negative agenda is going coo-coo-cray-sauce again, doing everything it can to disrupt this expansion.
So the question is – how do you, a healer of integrity, of multiple lifetimes living as a healer, and on your own incredible Light Ascension path, rise above the noise and have the impact and abundance you’re meant for?
That’s exactly what The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass experience will address (and more!).
The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass will assist you in stepping into your next-level as a healer and guide during these incredible and – let’s be honest – awkward times.
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The old ways of being a healer no longer apply.
Just like every “evolution” or expansion, we must bring a new heart-set, new skillset and new action-set to continue to be of benefit and have an expanded impact for the Souls we’re here to serve.
It’s part of our Ascension to do so & shift out of the old 4D paradigm of healing and into the 5D+ (i.e. Source, Immense Love).
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The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass is for you if:
- You’re a healer and actively expressing as one (i.e. it’s your day-to-day “work” or “career” or even if it’s a part-time expression).
- You know you’re a healer and you’re in the process of claiming this as your day-to-day reality (i.e. you haven’t started your healing “business”/practice yet but would like to).
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In The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass you’ll:
- Receive next-level inspiration for being a healer (and innerstand why you’re so crucial to the Earth collective’s timeline).
- Get new, practical actions you can implement into your existing practice to take it to the next level.
- Step into a new level of confidence (cuz I know the negative agenda has been whispering doubt and uncertainty to you and it’s time to ki-bosh that nonsense).
- Walk away grounded and clear about taking your practice to a new level to meet the new needs of these times.
- Have stronger boundaries with shiny objects/disharmonious clients & opportunities so you can magnetize in the kind of clients you’re truly here to serve.
- No longer ridicule yourself for being multi-passionate & learn more about the abundance you get to experience as a next-level healer.
- Step into greater integrity – your insides can match your outsides!
- Increase your abundance and prosperity as a Goddess healer of the Light.
- Become more balanced and aligned in your masculine and feminine energies so your Goddess Self leads you.
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In The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass you’ll receive:
- The top 5 tenets of a thriving Spiritual Healer and how to integrate these into your new reality.
- Get the core characteristics and activities of a thriving Spiritual Healer in these new times.
- Have your Questions about how to take yourself and your healing practice to the next level answered by Dr. Kristian Strang, a healer with over 15 years’ experience in the healing arts as a thriving, abundant practitioner as well as conduit for Source, Mary Magdalene & Yeshua, & the Goddesses of the Highest Light.
- A guided Hot Goddess Healer Activation to assist you in stepping into the new paradigm of healer-ship.
- Daily practices for your body-mind-Spirit for the Fall Season.
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Personal Message from Dr. Kristian Strang:
When I dedicated my life to The Divine in 2008, I never could have imagined that I would go on to spend 15+ years in thriving, abundant service to the Souls called to me.
As of 2022, I’ve been guided to more intentionally serve healers and writers in creating thriving and abundant what we used to call “businesses” and now call creations or Divine service work.
In The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass, you’ll receive LIVE time with me – so bring your questions – what are the challenges facing your healing practice at this time? What’s on your heart that most wants to be answered about these transformative and changing times? How would you like to go higher as we teeter on the brink of the next Golden Age?
I’ll also guide you through a Hot Goddess Healer Spiritual Activation to assist you in going to the next level of your service, AND I’ll be sharing with you the channeled guidance I’ve received from Mary Magdalene, Yeshua & the Goddesses of the Highest Light (all backed by Source of course!) on the tenets and core characteristics of a new paradigm Spiritual Healer.
This will assist you in upleveling yourself and assist you in having the eyes to See clearly through the glut of faux healers.
This Masterclass is for healers of all kinds – whether you’ve found your modality or are playing with the possibility of activating your healer timeline. (This is happening for one of the characters in book 2 of The Angelics series too!)
You’ll be enlivened, inspired and expanded so as to live and fulfill your mission here on Earth as a Spiritual healer.
The collective consciousness is teetering on the brink of 5D (Source Consciousness as the primary consciousness) and as Healers we are the ONES to assist in moving that teetering into a full-blown YES of a Golden Age.
There are so many Souls who need the medicine that only YOU can deliver in your own unique and Source-inspired Way, and The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass will assist you in being magnetic to them in new Ways.
I’m honored to assist you on your path and cannot WAIT to see the Miracles we co-create together in this 2-hour Masterclass experience!
In Immense Love & The Way of Light,
XX Dr. Kristian
(MM, Yeshua & the Goddesses of the HLT)
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Are you feeling the Sacred Heart YES To be with us September 26?
If so, here’s how you join…
The Hot Goddess Healer Masterclass Experience
$122-$222 sliding scale gift-in
Gift in the amount you’re most called to.
Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality OR PayPal (hkristians@protonmail.com – please use friends & family option)
Sans digital via check/money order/gold/silver
Email here for mailing instructions.
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*A replay will be available for all attendees. Questions can be submitted prior to the event to be answered if circumstances prohibit you from being with us LIVE. XO