Author & Doctor of Metaphysical Psychology
I'm Dr. Kristian.
In 2008, I devoted my life to The Divine and I've been living Spirit-Led ever since.
It's been a wild, miraculous and epic journey.
I'm so happy you've been guided to be here with me!
The Path of the Goddess is Sacred, Spirit-Led, Slow Living, Abundant, Love-Drenched & filled with Radiant Health
If you feel the call of the Goddess within you, join me.
Below are the three key areas of support myself, Source, God-Goddess of the Golden Age Mary Magdalene & Yeshua and all of the Goddesses of the Highest Light can assist you with.
Honor what feels most YES and filled with Light to you, and you'll be blessed.
You can also check out a sampling of the thousands of testimonials I've received since beginning this path in 2008.

Radiant Health

The path of living as your Higher Self in form (aka your Goddess Self) invites you to clear your body-mind of as much physical, mental, and emotional toxicity as possible, so you can step into your true state of Radiant Health. We do this through organic, regeneratively grown daily nutrition in compostable packaging and 1:1 remote Higher Self Unification Sessions. Experiencing Radiance is more easeful and delicious than you ever imagined!
Abundance & Prosperity

Living as your Higher Self / Goddess Self in form means living in flowing abundance and prosperity. Poverty / scarcity is rooted in lifetimes and generations of wounds and narratives. To address this with eternal results, we use a multi-dimensional approach that's grounded in self-healing with our SuperPowers Guide along with the meditations and resources in our Abundant Healer Bundle. We have everything from 6-figure to millionaires in our Sacred Goddess swirl to those not even counting how much abundance flows to them – they're too busy living their best life! On the path of the Goddess, you live rich – it's your birthright.
Master Healer

Step into a new level of alchemical healing mastery by apprenticing with me and the Highest Light! You can begin with our Love Territory Guide Certification which gives you the spiritual attunement to BE Love by assisting the lands/waters/living beings/animals in your specific territory – while also showing you where you're meant to live and travel to. And for those who wish to serve 1:1 and in groups in a masterful Way, say yes to our Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification. This is the healing modality I was gifted by the Highest Light in 2015 and it will take you to the next level in your own self-healing and in providing eternally-lasting results for those you're here to serve.