Activate your Super-powered-Self for this Sacred & Radical time in consciousness.
You've been preparing your whole life for this, and now it's time to navigate your emotions without taking on the crazy (i.e., rock your shadow work), fill yourself with the Highest Light so that you radiate it and stay centered and grounded in your Divine Mission for these times.
- Go from overwhelmed by all the information/theories out there to grounded, peaceful and clear.
- Break the cycle of getting “sick” – from taking on the ish from the 3D and 4D – and live more fully in your 5D+ radiance.
- Let go of anxiety and depression.
- Do critical-to-your-Embodiment “shadow” or “wound” work to shift out of old cycles forever-eva-more.
- Be your highly intuitive/psychic/gifted self and live a prosperous and healthy life – even during this massive shift.
The Activate Your Highly Sensitive Superpowers Guide gives you all of this and more with detailed emotional resiliency and psychic tools.
You may gift via Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality or if you'd like to gift-in via check/ cash/gold/silver or crypto, reach out here to set that up. Once your one-time gift is received, you'll receive your guide via email within the next 24 hours. This guide is forever-eva yours and any updates that are made to it, you'll receive for no additional gift.
Hello Lovely, I'm Kristian. Birthed Heather Kristian, but my true Soul name is Kristian, pronounced Christian.
And I'm a highly sensitive being.
Which means, I was called a “brat” growing up because I was the one at the family dinner table outing the family secrets.
(It took 35 years, but much of what I shared came out as true!)
When I was 12, people would pass me on the sidewalk or in a store, and images would flood my mind and smells would fill my nose.
I thought there was for sure something wrong with me.
These impressions felt like memories, but upon investigation, they weren't my memories. #youknowyourepsychicwhen…
I did the best I could to block all of this out.
I hated being so “weird” and different.
I hated knowing what was really going on in my family that no one was talking about.
I desperately wanted to be “normal” and just act like everything was “fine” like everyone around me.
In my 20s and early 30s I drank alcohol and “partied” to try to fit in as well as suppress these knowings that I couldn't explain.
I felt a deep desire to connect with The Divine but felt more connected when I was at home by myself reading spiritual texts than at church.
Any of this sounding somewhat familiar to your life too?
And then there was the one small, tiny thing I was avoiding in all of this.
And that was my emotions.
You know, those feeling sensations that course through your body during any given life experience?
Well, I had spent the majority of my intense childhood absorbing the emotions from my wounded parents and then promptly avoiding anything I felt that was negative.
But as you can probably guess, over time that energy from stuffing all those emotions built and built and built until one day…it erupted.
It was 2014 and I had been running a thriving, six-figure practice as a BodyTalk Practitioner.
I had one “magical” whirlwind romance after another with karmic “soulmates.”
I meditated and prayed, and had loads of spiritual practices. I had a therapist and received weekly BodyTalk sessions.
But still, I was not feeling my feelings fully, and I was taking on other people's (& the collectives) emotions around me at a continual high rate – whether or not I even noticed it.
In short, I wasn't doing my “shadow” or “wound” work.
Again, sound familiar?
I had a slight suspicion something was amiss, and so at the end of 2014 I proclaimed to All-That-Is that I was ready to live 111% Spirit-Led.
Hmmm…well guess what that required of me? I had to…
- Feel my freakin feelings.
- Stop taking on others' emotions and psychic ish.
- Stop defining myself by a success model put into place by a distorted 3D matrix.
- Stop playing out my “I'm gonna save my wounded parents!” storyline with romantic partners and even clients.
- Learn how to make wise, truly Higher Self-led decisions in every area of my life – not trauma-responses, not reactive-based or wound-based decisions.
- Learn how to Love myself so fully that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about me (this was HUGE for me!).
And so, to do this, my Higher Self & Guides & Angels of the Highest Light brought me the processes and tools that exist in the Activate Your Highly Sensitive Superpowers Guide. I use this guide almost every day and have been using it at minimum weekly since 2015.
It has set me free in all of the ways above and it can do the same for you!
I have spent the past 12 years preparing for this time in consciousness and the Activate Your Highly Sensitive Superpowers Guide will do for you what it has done for me and for hundreds of my clients.
These are emotional fitness and psychic tools that you can use for 11 minutes a day and experience profound shifts in your life.
Working these tools or self-healing sessions as I now call them from the Guide allow me to create an abundance of high-vibrational content – guidebooks like this one, books, articles, blog posts, social media posts, guest contributor posts, classes and mentorship offerings, podcasts and speaker summits – to be of service and to share my creativity and connection with The Divine so that I can rock this time and prepare for the Golden Age – just as my Higher Self has called me to do.
These tools allow me to stay grounded, focused and in sacred partnership with the Earth, my husband, my community and those closest to me.
I'm so excited to share this Guide with you (we call it the SG – Superpowers Guide – in our community) so that your highly sensitive superpowers can guide you forward during this time!
Check out what people are saying after using this upleveling superpowers guide …

In your Activate Your Highly Sensitive Superpowers Guide, you receive:
- 10-part audio series featuring step-by-step instructions on how to work with anything that shows up in your experience – physical/emotional/mental pain, limiting beliefs, fears, traumas, etc. – so that you can let go of the nonsense “out there” and do the work you’re here to do.
- Step-by-step tools to work with your emotional content includes: 1) A Divine Return process 2) Clearing the Charge, aka the Fully Feeling process 3) Inner Child to Wholeness exercise that will heal your wounded child and allow you to live as your Loving, Adult Self – especially during these times.
- A practice to de-activate karmic triggers from your family line, past lifetimes and collective aspects that you agreed to heal in this lifetime so that you can live more free and liberated – even in times like these.
- A simple process that will allow you to make clear, intuitive-led decisions so you can live your Highest Destiny (not lower timelines).
- Easy-to-follow steps to allow you to receive guidance more clearly and without resistance from your own Higher Wisdom and/or via an intuitive or guide.
- A process that will allow you to heal your own physical pain – without waiting for a session from a healer.
- A beautiful, enlightened practice to fill yourself with Divine Light so that you can bring this Light everywhere you are (in nature, at your home, on your weekly grocery and post office trips, etc.)
This guide is yours foreva eva and you’ll receive updates whenever they come out – for no additional Gift.
As Mary Magdalena & the Highest Light Team bring me expanded practices and tools to support you in activating and living your Superpowers, I will update this guide and send it to you each time this happens, for no additional gift for you. Once you’re in, you’re in.
Additional BONUS: One tree is planted for you through our partner, One Tree Planted, when you purchase your Activate Your Highly Sensitive Superpowers Guide.
I’m committed to hooking you up with the Highest Light tools so that you can live your Highest Destiny with greater ease & grace.
You may gift via Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality or if you'd like to gift-in via check/cash/gold/silver/crypto, reach out here to set that up. Once your one-time gift is received, you'll receive your guide via email within the next 24 hours. This guide is forever-eva yours and any updates that are made to it, you'll receive for no additional gift-in.

Integrative Health Coach


Counselor, Healer, Dance Facilitator