We live in revolutionary times.
And these times require a new kind of everything, including a new kind of spiritual healer.
Higher dimensional consciousness healers are needed to assist during this worldwide shift in the collective consciousness. The Collective Soul is being upgraded to a 5D or Goddess/Source frequency, and your assistance to support humans during this shift is needed.
This Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification experience will give you both your own next-level consciousness upgrade as well as provide you with a depletion-free Way to serve your existing clients or start your own thriving healing practice.
In our Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification, you’ll receive the Advanced technology tools and training you need to begin your own off-the-grid, out-of-the-matrix private practice serving and supporting the co-creation of the next Golden Age.
And if you’re already a healer / creatrix in the world (and btws, you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t #justsayin), you’ll be able to integrate this modality into your current gifts in a Way that’s truly aligned for your Highest Lifestream.
You may also wish to receive this training to hold the Highest Light Codes it brings into your body Temple and shine that Light everywhere you go, never even speaking a word.

What Makes SSCC Different Than Other Coaching-Healing Certifications?
Move out of the codependent model of “healing” and coaching and into the interdependent, empowering model of 5D+, Golden Age transformation.
Receive the masterful training of our never-before-publicly-taught Source Guided process to take your clients out of limitation/fear/trauma and into vitality, higher levels of Ascension & transformation.
Become a skilled Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer with your own in-person or online (or combination of the two) private practice supporting other Light Beings during their Ascension/Embodiment/Unification unfolding. Or integrate this into your current gifts to juice them up to a new dimension of consciousness!
Rise to a Higher dimension(s) of consciousness in your own Ascension/Embodiment/Unification unfolding. This will improve your levels of Joy, connection with Self & other Souls, and prosperity.
Increased intuitive and psychic abilities. The daily practices & 26+ hours of masterclasses will continue to strengthen your connection to your Higher Self & Source.
Be able to create a Sacred container for your clients in your private practice sessions in such a Way that they heal and transcend their current limitations. Thus, contributing to the healing and transformation of the collective consciousness.
Become more sovereign and free, choosing to create your practice in the off-the-grid, out-of-the-matrix Ways you desire.
Increased prosperity and abundance from this new 5D+, Golden Age stream of giving and receiving.
New Sacred rituals for honoring your Life-stream and the Earth will be included.
This Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification is for you if:
You feel a deep resonance with me, Mary Magdalene & the Highest Light energies, and our work in the world.
You desire to uplevel your own work in the world to a 5D+ placement and know deep in your Soul that being a Sacred Spirituality Certified Coach & Healer is an important part of your path.
You wish to be part of our physical team of Light Beings who are healing and transforming lives through this Sacred Work. (And you wanna meet up with us throughout this life-stream to celebrate our Immense Love work in the world!)
You desire to live Sovereign & free – and wish to BE part of the change each day in your presence, intention and focus.

In this Sacred Spirituality Certification experience,
you’ll receive:
Receive the guidance, coaching and Soul-set necessary to masterfully facilitate 1:1 healing and transformation in the 5D+ frequencies as well as guidance to support you in navigating these times in a Way that truly serves your Highest Lifestream through 26+ hours of Masterclasses with me, Mary Magdalene & the Highest Light, along with 13 Modules of Support with PDF guides, print-outs, protocols and more.
Specific outlined daily practices to support you in vibrating in your Highest frequency to be the highest vibrating Sacred Spirituality Coach and Divine human you can be.
Featured Listing in our 5D+ Creators Directory during this certification for your current gifts. Then, become a lifetime featured member as one of our Sacred Spirituality Coaches upon completion of your certification.
Guidance on pricing in the “gifting” economy, as well as how to structure your private practice in our Masterclasses.
A recommended Reading List to support you with your Loves and in your own Ascension/Embodiment/Unification.
Access to continuing “education” Mastery Masterclasses with me, MM & the HLT 2x a year at minimum as an alumni of the Sacred Spirituality Coach experience.
Loving our Masterclasses. So much I’m learning and inner-standing at new levels, lots of affirmation and a bit of stretching. THIS is what I want to call on more and serving those I’m here to serve in THIS way.
– Tiffani
I am loving these sessions (receiving & facilitating)! The shifts I’m feeling are so deep and so resonate! I really enjoy just seeing where the energy wants to go from what wants to comes through from the oracle reading. Super powerful and potent.
– Renee
Thank you and, while I love all the MCs, today’s just felt so epic.
– Kristen
I thank you for expanding and enriching and awakening my life and potentiality so much!!
– Nancy
I really didn’t know how this was going to go and it was so much deeper and more profound than I ever could have guessed!
– Jennifer
Thank you for everything! I feel like the longer I work with you the more I “get” what you’re up to, and this (training) is a great example of helping us really align with that higher/highest timeline, and shedding some major ancestral patterns.
– Anna
Included will be a welcome video to share the best practices for getting the most out of your certification experience.
You may complete this training in 1 month, 3 months or 6 months. This should take no longer than 6 months to complete, although you may stretch it to 9 months if that fits your lifestyle.
Your prosperous 13-module training gives you:
Receive the foundation for being a powerful Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer without codependence and enmeshment. You’ll also receive our core technology teaching, as well as guidance on diversifying your abundance streams as a spiritual coach & healer.
Deepen your intuitive abilities with our core intuition tool and receive an attunement to work with your inner guidance in a whole new Way.
Receive the guidance and activation for how to set powerful Sacred containers of transformation with prayers and blessings.
Give transformative Oracle Readings that support your clients upleveling as well as go deeper into identifying the primary core wounds your clients may not even know they need to heal.
Learn a psychic tool that will take you and your clients from heavy and overwhelmed to light and free.
Receive a highly effective and easy to use somatic tool for releasing stuck emotions for yourself and your clients.
Go deeper into your and your client’s transformation around family and how they influence and effect their ability to create and prosper in life.
The key to health, wealth, and overall life fulfillment lies in this healing tool. You’ll be forever changed when you receive it and then share it with your clients!
Your ancestors and other incarnations on Earth and beyond greatly impact your lifestream now. Receive a psychic tool that takes your experience on Earth to a new level of freedom and harmony.
Take all that you’ve learned and bring it into a 60-90 minute session with your clients that will have them feeling Lighter and empowered (and won’t drain you).
Get firsthand access to what a successful session as a spiritual healer and coach looks like. You’ll leave incredibly inspired to start your practice sessions.
It’s time to build your “business!” Receive some out-of-the-matrix and in-the-matrix Ways to begin your work as a spiritual healer. You’ll receive an amazing tool to diversify your abundance beyond 1:1 sessions too.
Receive the signs and steps needed to have a lifelong (or as long as you want), vibrant, healthy private practice as a spiritual coach and healer, while also living in your highest health and radiance!
A personal note from Dr. Kristian
Beloved one,
It's no accident that you're here reading these words now.
You are one who has been tasked with assisting the shift in consciousness into a 5D or Immense Love/Source frequency at this time.
To do that, you also must vibrate in this frequency, and our Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification not only assists you in this, it also assists you in co-creating a thriving private practice as a spiritual healer.
Since 2010, I've been a thriving and abundant 1:1 and group healing practitioner. Now, I turn my focus to assisting you in being your own thriving, abundant healer through the Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification & Love Territory Guide Certification.
While the title of this training is Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification, it could just as easily be called a Spiritual Healer Certification because the modality that we train you in, the MPAT, is a healing modality.
We combine the power of energy medicine, somatic healing, inner child and unresolved parental attachments with karmic deactivations and past life healings, past life retrievals along with ancestral healing for the highest integration into who you and your clients really are.
It’s all done with the lightness of coaching, combined with the depth and transformation of a spiritual healer.
You’ll also be free of the worn-out model of burn out, over-giving and taking on distortions from your clients. It’s simply impossible with this modality!
In 2015, this modality began being downloaded into my consciousness and I was guided to work with it daily in my own life. I noticed immediate improvements in my nervous system regulation, peace, intuitive abilities, clarity of purpose and joy.
I created a guide of this healing modality so others could experience the same shifts I had.
But what I found is that most humans did not have the self-motivation or discipline to go as deep as they needed to with their own self-healing.
Then, I started taking my spiritual mentorship clients through the MPAT modality and with extraordinary results!
Not only were they healing of their old limitations, self-sabotage and wounds – but I had increased vitality and energy after their sessions – something that had eluded me as a healer previously.
This coaching/healing modality puts you into an alpha state as much as it does your clients, allowing for renewed vitality and healing for both of you, and with no drain or heaviness.
This Sacred Spirituality Coach & Healer Certification will not only transform your own well-being, but it will also be of tremendous service to your clients and allow you to expand your current healing practice or start your own private practice.
I’m so excited to have you with us and I look forward to seeing you in our Alumni Masterclasses that take place a couple of times a year LIVE with me, where I facilitate a SSC healing LIVE and take all of your pressing questions for growing your own thriving and successful healing practice.
In Immense Love,

Unsure? Let's schedule a free Intuitive Guidance 20-minute call to see if the Sacred Spirituality Coach Certification is for you.