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Get Wholly (Holy) Healthy During This Global Reset


What an amazing, weird, incredible, powerful and transformative time you and I are in.

There are so many theories and ideas about where this is all leading us – many scary and horrible, some glorious and transcendent.

And as the Buddha told us so many moons ago (or was it that long ago?!), the answer lives most likely in the beautiful middle.

What matters most right now is not getting to the end of the story or to the outcome, but to be here now as fully as we can.

This now moment (and the next and the next) has so many delightful insights and expansions and such goodness for you. It would be an absolute shame for you to miss it.

You are good enough for this transformation, you are worthy enough of it, and you are here to free yourself from all that says you are not the extraordinary being you are. You are!

And now, the Higher Realms have cleaned your (and the collective's) slate so that exactly this can happen (hooray, right? hooray? ;)).

Below are my recommendations – based on my 11 years of working with thousands of humans on their mental, emotional, physical, spiritual well-being – for how to let this time of Global/Collective/Self reset serve you in the Highest way possible.

May these recommendations bless your life.*

Juice up your physical health

** It's time to ramp up your Vitamin C intake and get your nutrition game in alignment with your Higher Self. Vitamin C is a healer of respiratory issues, viruses, cancer and so much more.

Most animals produce enough of their own vitamin C so they are not in need of supplementation (and why you don't see animals getting colds/flus), but humans unfortunately do not. We need to supplement this (I'm just learning about the wonders of vitamin C and it's astounding!).

** If you're vegetarian or vegan, you want to take daily Vitamin C at a high level (think between 3,500-5,500 milligrams). And if you have any cold/flu symptoms you want to go to a high-dosing of Vitamin C – like 10,000-15,000 milligrams until your symptoms are complete.

Please of course contact your health care practitioner for more on the actual dosing for your specific body. High dosing in some rare cases can lead to diarrhea. If you experience this, simply back off the dosage until you find the dosage that works for your body.

** One of the ways I love to get high-dose Vitamin C is with PuraThrive Lipsomal Vitamin C. It tastes like a creamsicle (I don't know about you but I haven't had a creamsicle in foreva, eva) and is super easy to take on the daily.

**Next up, get your stress-relieving adaptogens in with Rasa – the absolute best beverage to have (good-bye coffee & caffeinated tea!). Adaptogens need to be taken daily to build up in your system to allow for your nervous system to relax and unwind.

But to be honest, most of them taste pretty icky. Rasa breaks all those rules – super healthy for your nervous system and tastes delicious. Rasa is my go-to every morning paired with non-dairy, sugar-free creamer (thank you Goddess for allowing this to be created in the world!).

** Make sure you're moving your body every damn day for at minimum 20 minutes – whether it's a walk in nature, dancing your pants off, strength training, yoga, tai chi – whatever you love – just move that gorg body of yours. It will keep your endorphins up too (so file this under good for your mental health!).

** Be sure to eat the Metaphysical Menu way – free of processed foods, sugars and other toxic ick that lowers your body's natural self-healing abilities.

** Tap out your Cortices. When you tap, focus on activating your body's natural ability to heal itself. Our body's are made to self-heal – we simply have to give them the environment to do so. Following all of this – both above and below – will set you free to heal in body-mind-Soul.

Cozy up with your emotions

Most of us spend the majority of our lives avoiding our feelings and emotions. I pretty much held off on really feeling anything other than my “safe” emotions of anger and joy until I was in my mid-30's.

This is not, I repeat not, a healthy strategy. I had to have a spiritual awakening to get my ass in gear and learn how to fully feel my feelings and allow them to support, not run my life. #slowlearneroverhere

We'll often feel something and then tell ourselves promptly that we don't need to feel whatever it is – making excuses for why we should feel x, y or z.

Please, for the Love of Goddess – feel it. Whatever it is, feel it. And don't feel it with the story, just focus on the sensations of the emotions in your body, being present for whatever the emotions are with love and without judgment or condemnation.

If you'd like an easy-to-use process to learn how to feel your emotions in a healthy way, clear your own trauma and heal your body-mind – get my Activate Your Highly Sensitive Superpowers Guide .

Get real with all that noise in your head.

So here's how this works – your head brain is a receiving station – it's receiving thoughts that are a vibrational match with where you're practiced thinking/vibrating at.

The higher your vibe (which is energetic – see below), the higher your receiving station frequency.  Which means the higher-vibrational thoughts you “think” or experience.

All of this gets started when we're sweet little babies. The vibration we are in sets the tone for our receiving station.

So if our parents or our environment was low-vibing (i.e. consistently negative with a lack of hope, and/or more pain and suffering) then that's going to be where we're practiced receiving at and will be the foundation for the kinds of thoughts we receive as teenagers and adults.

The thoughts we receive then informs our emotions – our emotions are a felt response to the thoughts we're receiving. See how this all works together?

Most beings don't know any of this of course and assume everything they're “thinking” is theirs and is only coming from them.

But how brilliant to know that where we're vibrating at determines the thoughts we receive, which determines the emotions we feel, which then determines the quality of our life.

And that's why this next piece is the foundation to your health.

BTWs, to improve your mental health – clean up your receiving station. That means only take in healthy and high-vibrational media, books, music (most music vibrates at the sex chakra level, which is #nothealthy and #nothelpful but is really good at keeping people stuck chasing sex chakra aspects: money, sex and power) and entertainment.

It also means having conversations and deep connections with others who are vibrating at that higher level as well and making sure what you're bringing into your mental receiving station is of a high-quality.

You're an eternal being baby.

If you're reading this, you probably know that you're a Soul who has incarnated into many, many bodies – maybe even tens of thousands of lifetimes for us oldies (shyly raising my hand over here – it takes me a million hot minutes to learn apparently!).

We've been born and “died” countless times – at least when we were incarnating onto the Earth plane (other planes of consciousness have other laws that govern their cycles of incarnation).

When we are disconnected from this truth, we feel mostly terrible, believing we only have “one life” and that when we and those we love “die” that we will never see each other again.

I know this is mostly terrible because I grew up in a religion (Jehovah's Witness) that doesn't believe in the Soul or any afterlife. It's totally miserable, and it's miserable because it's simply not true. #yaay

To illustrate, I saw my grandpa Earl two months after he “died” (fun fact, he was a hardcore JW so this was really amazing on many levels). He showed up at the side of my bed, wearing his same cardigan sweater and cap that he always wore, held my hand and spoke to me in that same voice he always had.

He shows up for me whenever I need him or ask him to.

And that's just one example.

Everyone you and I love is still alive (all those theories about celebs faking their deaths – is totally true from this vantage point since no one is ever dead – they just change form!) – you and I are never not alive – it's just that we are only in this Earth body for a limited number of years.

In any event, caring for yourself at this level is so critical to your joy, fulfillment and happiness.

Caring for your Soul health means daily meditation (I have a host of free meditations you can download and experience) to tune into this eternal part of you and to receive consistent (every 4-6 weeks) energy medicine like BodyTalk to help you clear the barriers to you living the Destiny you incarnated into this lifetime for, as well as help you come more into unified alignment with your eternal self.

Remember what Rumi told us: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

You don't need to “become better” – you are already all of the things! You simply have to untangle, unwind and deactivate all the nonsense that isn't you, that was programmed into you as a small child, over many, many lifetimes.

When you live from this eternal you, you are not afraid of “sickness” and “death.” You understand life in a greater context. You are more wise and emotionally mature. You enjoy life more and you feel at peace more of the time.

Pretty awesome, right?!

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Feel free to leave them below.

Here's your Highest Health & the Highest Health for all willing hearts!

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