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Happy Love Month – Your Love Toolkit is Here!

Valentine's Day transforms the month of February into Love Month.

And…it's the perfect culmination of silly and sweet, with maybe a side of annoying…;)

You and I give each other pink heart cards and candy one day or weekend of the year saying “I Love you!” in a variety of ways, and we feel super sad if we don't get either of those (although we graduate to flowers and chocolates as adults).

For some, this is a fun-filled celebration of love, for others this day is more than a tad annoying.

No matter where you fall on this Vday scale…here's what's not annoying:

You being your full, authentic self, which just so happens to be Love and lovely and spirited and beautiful.

And that's how we can uplevel Valentine's Day & Love Month into a sacred holy-day, even if we keep the pink heart cards and candies.

(I'm digging the sugar-free Smart Sweets gummy bears these days – so I'll be giving those to my husband on Vday for sure).

All this to say in honor of VDay – you rock. You care about Love. And that matters.

To honor you and this newly expanded holyday, I created this simple, easy-to-use V-Day/Love Month Kit for you – so that for whatever phase of your Love journey that you're on, you've got Spirit-Led, Love-fueled goodness by your side.

I would love to hear about how this Love Toolkit supports you this Vday weekend and Love month!

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