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Happy Valentine's Day! Check Out Our V-day Podcast Interview…

Happy Valentine's Day Loves!

We've been spreading the LOVE all week long for Valentine's Week (subscribe to our Love email newsletter and we'll get you a Love Meditation and our V-day Resource guide), and we have a new treat for you!

On Galentine's Day (i.e., the unofficial holy-day for ladies celebrating ladies!), we recorded a new, epic podcast episode with the ladies over at Spirit Guides Radio and it was seriously my fave podcast interview to date!

We went deep and kept it real by covering a V-Day feast of topics such as – sex, sacred union, partnership, the masculine and feminine and this time in consciousness when we must rise UP for Love.

So click on over to this link, and bring a pen and paper because this episode is full of lessons that you're going to want to remember – as the Spirit Guides Magazine ladies put it – “these golden nuggets of wisdom”. And when you're done, report back; we would love to hear from you and how you were impacted by this sacred, leading-edge episode!

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