The Earth is going through extraordinary changes at this time.
She is currently in need of collaboration with a new kind of spiritual healer, called Love Territory Guides, who will nurture, assist and care for their specific regions, with Source-led alchemy, ritual, blessings and actions.
Perhaps you're hearing Her call now and that's why you're here today. If so, read on to see if this is your Divine next step in supporting the co-creation of the Golden Age, on Earth now, as it is in Heaven.
Do you have a strong connection with the Earth?
Do you desire to experience more Love & reverence in your life?
Do you feel pulled to certain locations on Earth and aren’t entirely sure why?
Would you like to do more in your community to assist the current transformation in consciousness without even having to talk to anyone (introverts, I got you! )?
Or are you a healer and want to offer your clients a way that they can be of service through Love Territory rituals and practices?
Or would you like to start a healing practice that’s focused on assisting the lands, waters and living beings on Earth?
If so, you’ll want to dive into our 6-module Love Territory Guide Certification where your connection to Earth is expanded upon, where you receive Divine Clarity from your own Sacred Wisdom on the lands/waters and living beings you’re truly here to assist, as well as rituals that you can use to be in greater service to Earth.
You’ll also step into a deeper love for yourself and a greater unity with the lands, waters and living beings around you.
You desire to feel a deeper Love and reverence in your life.
You feel a special harmonic with the Earth and a strong call within you to assist Her lands, waters and living beings.
You identify as a Light Being, here to assist your fellow Light Beings (both human and animal) through Lightwork.
You resonate at a deep Soul level with being a Guardian for a specific territory here on Earth.
You are committed to completing this training certification and are devoted to bringing this healing and transformation to all you are here to serve.
You may wish to begin a healing practice with this as your core offering OR add this to your existing offerings as a spiritual healer.
WHAT OUR Love Territory Guides ARE SAYING…
What an honor it is to work with crystals and bless my home, land, waters, and all living beings in this way. An unexpected takeaway from the Love Territory program was loving myself more fiercely, which looks like setting better boundaries. As always, Dr. Kristian, your programs are up-leveling!
– Jennifer Elling, promoting health through superfoods
From day one, we had some amazing activations which I am still accessing each day and some beautiful rituals and ceremonies. The synchronicities started flying. Just today I was sitting outside doing my daily love territory ritual; it was very powerful. When I went inside, I noticed there had been a power surge. The power had gone out during my meditation and was back on. It was 9 am but one of my clocks read 12:12. So I looked up this potent number sequence and got the message from my guides that I’m on the right track and positive change is coming. All this from a 6-week course. What a fabulous gift to Gaia and all the beings of earth.
– Rebecca
Loving these connections with the land. So exciting. Thank you for your love and guidance. I have such a story to tell about this land I was drawn to. Now I am going to have to write it up. You are such an integral part in this journey. Blessings to you.
– Mary Ellen
I'm a different person now … more in my body than I've been all this lifetime. Feeling so much more on purpose and connected to Mother Earth with this training. Thank you!
– N.M.
My daily and monthly LTG rituals and prayers are hugely supportive and an integral part of my life’s rhythm…You weren't kidding about the power of the energy coming through in this LTG training! So much love for this intense uplevel in my life!!
– S.E.
I just completed the Module 1 of the LTG – WOWZA! That was a powerful one and I felt a big shift there. Excited to continue this!
– Kim
I am really enjoying this LTG Certification so far. I have had some incredible experiences with the transmissions! Thanks Kristian!!! I am so happy I said yes to working with you through this, you are such a blessing in my life and I am so grateful.
– Tawny
I really appreciate that you have trusted us to honor the work you have been doing with your guides.
– Carol
It was a wonderful training – it created so much deep connection!
– Anna
Exponentially increased synchronicity (this was an incredible result for all of us who took part in this training!).
Clear knowing of your personal Love Territory.
Alignment with your Highest Purpose with our beautiful Earth.
Enhanced intuitive abilities in caring for lands, waters and living beings.
A New Modality of healing expansion to share with your clients and Loved ones so they may also live in their Love Territory & Love Portal, fulfilling their mission here on Earth.
More joy and prosperity for thriving in this time of great change & shifting.
Connection to others of like purpose and Soul path in being Guardians for this Earth.
Deeper feelings of Love and connection, making you magnetic to attract more Love into your life.
Experience greater Unity with your Higher Self, the Earth, your Loved ones and community.
Inclusion in our 5D+ Creators Directory – get new clients, speaking opportunities, podcast interviews and more.
6 Training Class Module via audio and video to give you all the details you need to care for your Love Territory and other lands/waters/living beings. This is a go-at-your-own-pace training, you may finish in 3 weeks time if you want to “binge” the training modules, or complete it in 6 weeks by taking in 1 training a week.
Spiritual Attunement in Module 1 of the Highest Light facilitated by me (Dr. Kristian Strang) and the energies of Source HerSelf, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and all of the Highest Light.

You’ll submit 1 recorded Love Territory Guide session for review once finished with the training modules to illustrate your knowledge and abilities as a Love Territory Guide. Once your submission has been received and completed, you’ll receive in the mail a certificate confirming that you are a Certified Love Territory Guide.
Inclusion in our 5D+ Creators Directory (only available to my spiritual mentorship and Sacred Spirituality coaches) – magnetize new clients, speaking opportunities, podcast interviews and more with your listing.
Leading-edge, Highest Light daily spiritual practice to assist your highest Radiance and impact on Earth.
PDF training guides to use for your daily and monthly practices, as well as when you travel.
Clarity about your own Love Territory for this massive shift in consciousness.
New Ritual for transforming a dwelling/home/vehicle in a Love Territory into a Love Portal.
Daily Ritual for blessing and caring for your Love Territory.
Monthly Ritual for blessing and caring for your Love Territory.
Specific Actions to take to assist your Love Territory.
Instructions and guidance for facilitating Love Territory Guide sessions for existing and future clients.
Info for pricing sessions and how to best serve your clients with this healing technology.
Continued guidance from MM, Yeshua & the Goddesses of the Highest Light through Dr. Kristian as it comes through for how to uplevel your personal work with the Earth as well as how to best support your healing clients with the Love Territory technology.
You may begin offering Love Territory Guide sessions for abundance once you’re complete
with the certification process.
Module 1: Receive a 12D+ spiritual attunement that connects you with the Earth and your healing work as a Guardian of the New Earth in a potent, Ascended Way.
Module 2: In this module, you’ll receive a new spiritual practice to assist your connection with the Earth in its expansion as well as clarity on your Love Territory, Soul Spot(s) and Travel Locale(s). Find out which areas on Earth are YOUR areas.
Module 3: Learn about your Love Portal and how to activate one for you (and then share with your clients too!).
Module 4: Get similar rituals and prayers used by Mary Magdalene & Yeshua during their time on Earth to assist your Love Territory. You’ll also receive an activation for your vehicle so that wherever you go, you’re bringing these elevated frequencies.
Module 5: Love to Travel? In this module, you’ll get a next-level spiritual practice to use everywhere you go. You’ll also receive specific actions and activities for you to take part in as a Love Territory Guide to provide further support and healing to the lands, waters & living beings you’re here to assist.
Module 6: Get what you need to bring this new technology to your clients to add this to your private practice or start your brand-new work as a Love Territory Guide.

A personal note from Dr. Kristian Strang
I've been a thriving and abundant 1:1 and group healing practitioner since 2010, assisting thousands of women, children, families and animals worldwide.
Now, I bring my expertise to you, to assist you in having your own thriving healing practice – whether you're just dipping your toes into the healing arts or are a long-time practitioner seeking the next level of your expansion.
In 2016, something miraculous happened.
Through my connection with Mary Magdalene, Yeshua, and my Highest Light Spiritual Team including Source HerSelf I was brought the concept of Love Territories.
I was shown that specific Lightworkers like myself had specific territories in which we were to assist the lands, waters and all living beings in thriving.
A few months after this, I was shown in a Winter Solstice meditation that the collective consciousness was going through a massive split or shift.
I was literally shown the 3D (physical-only focus and reality) and 5D (connected to Source/Love) frequencies splitting apart and going their “separate” ways until only the 5D frequency was all that remained upon Earth.
The 3D, fear-based, physical-only focused energies would move to another plane of consciousness as Earth’s deepest desire is to vibrate in harmony with Source and now be a mecca for Love, Peace, Prosperity & Thriving.
(Side note: The 4D consciousness which can be described as more “awake” than 3D in that’s it’s aware of psychic energies and of body-mind connection (somewhat) can be found in New Age spirituality, mainstream media, mainstream social justice movements, etc – those holding these frequencies will also have to choose – love or fear and then either Ascend upon Earth or eventually fade out to another plane of consciousness.)
I was shown that through spiritual healing such as with the Love Territories, the Earth and collective consciousness would be restored to its original intention – a place of Love, prosperity, joy and thriving.
We have a unique and important assignment at this time dear Love – and that is to BE the change that this Earth and the collective consciousness needs now.
In order to do that, we must take daily, weekly, monthly consistent actions to be of service to Source, and that service absolutely includes the Earth – the beautiful, abundant plane of consciousness that you and I specifically chose to incarnate upon.
When you become a Love Territory Guide, you not only are able to be of true service to the Earth in an expanded Way, but you also raise your own consciousness to a higher dimension through the spiritual attunements and daily practices in this training.
You may use this training for your own personal development, or you may add it to your existing healing practice or start a whole new career as a spiritual guide & healer. Honor your Sacred Heart in however you choose to utilize this profound training.
You'll also be part of a growing number of Light Beings who carry these Love Territory Guide codes and now assist the Earth and support Her in their specific areas from the machinations of the artificial matrix. As you know from recent world events, this is more important now than ever.
Will you join this mission to collaborate with the Earth & co-create the Golden Age now and for future generations to come?
I look forward to welcoming you and watching you Soar as you become a Love Territory Guide!
In Immense Love,

Here's your chance, step into service for the Earth & uncover the true GOD/GODDESSS that's been inside you all along…
Unsure? Email me with your Qs or schedule a free Intuitive Guidance 20-minute call to see if the Love Territory Guide Certification is right for you.