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Sacred Love Activism: Peace & Love Organizations You Can Support

You probably already know this, but I'm gonna say it anyway. 🙂

You and I are living in one of the most powerful times in consciousness.

A time where you cannot take a back seat to your life's unfolding but must be an active and co-operative component to all that is calling to you. A time when we must honor ourselves and be of service to others.

This includes being actively involved in Sacred Love Activism.

Essentially, Sacred Love Activism is activism – taking action to be of service to others – from a place of alignment with one's true nature, with Spirit, with one's true self, and thus, the path of one's Destiny.

Paramount to this is that in Sacred Love Activism we are daily engaged in our spiritual practices and emotional and spiritual development.

In that way, our activism is free of the intense activation of our wounds so that we can be of true service to those ones, lands, animals, aspects of this life that we are called to be of service to. When we are in activism without doing this critical work, we are simply spreading our wounds, our charge, our fear, our anger to more living beings, which does not allow for long-term, lasting peace for anyone or anything.

When we live from a place of Love, and are committed to living in Love, Peace and Spirit-Led guidance and support, we naturally are compelled to give to others through Sacred Love Activism, and to support the peoples and aspects of this life that are resonate with us at a Soul level.

You have specific areas of focus in this life that you're here to support through your connection to who you really are – which is Love, peace, prosperity and Spirit.

Take a moment to tune in and connect to the deep core of who you really are – what area of this great life unfolding are you being called to support at this momentous time in consciousness?

Below is a list of organizations that focus on peace, Love, non-violent direct action and empowerment from an aligned place. If you know of organizations not featured here that also do this, please submit them here for consideration to be featured on our Spirit-Led, Love-Fueled Blog.

It is only by coming together in Love, Peace and Spirit-Led alignment through Sacred Love Activism that we can truly write a new story for ourselves, our Earth and the collective.

May it be so. And so it is.

Please give generously & regularly – in all of the ways you feel called – to the organization(s) that resonate most with your Spririt:

Before the Flood: Sign up for their email to receive actionable steps you can take on the regular to support our Divine Planet in flourishing.

Carry the Future: Provides baby carriers, baby boxes and support items to refugees.

Do It For the Love Foundation: Michael Franti & his partner's non-profit organization that brings musicians to those struggling with illness as part of bringing more Love and joy into their lives.

Embracing the World – Known saint/avatar Amma, often known as the hugging saint, has more than 40 divisions that provide Spirit-Led support for everything from empowering women to caring for children to green initiatives like clean drinking water – all for more than 40 countries worldwide. Support any of these divisions via this link.

Food Roots: Growing our local food system and helping to end food insecurity on the Oregon Coast. When you support Rising UP for Love, this organization is also supported.

The Joy Team: Your donations support this organization in putting up positive messaging up throughout Portland, Oregon and often nationwide. When you support Rising UP for Love, this organization is also supported. We have Love-filled message billboards throughout the Portland Metro area, every month.

The Kumari Project: Empower and educate Nepalese orphans.

Kiva: Micro-credit lending to empower peoples all over the world in giving their gifts through their small businesses. When you support Rising UP for Love, this organization is also supported.

Living Yoga: Brings the study and practice of yoga to kids, youth and adults in correctional facilities, drug treatment centers, and behavioral/mental health facilities.

NewComer Kitchen: A project that invites newly-arrived Syrian refugee women to cook a weekly meal in our kitchen. The meals are sold online for pickup or delivery, and the proceeds shared among the cooks.

One Tree Planted: Support Global reforestation with this incredible organization. For every sign-up/purchase through Rising UP for Love, we also plant a tree through our partnership with this organization.

Oregon Wild: Protects and supports wildlands, wildlife, and waters.

PeaceJam: Nobel Peace Prize winners mentoring youth.

Peace in Schools: Teaches mindfulness to teens in Portland, Oregon area high schools.

Playing For Change: Creating positive change through music and arts education.

The Pongo Fund: Full-time charity focused on fighting animal hunger..

Surfrider Foundation: Protects and cares for our oceans, beaches and coastlines. When you support Rising UP for Love, this organization is also supported.

TerraPass: Buy carbon offsets to honor Mother Earth for any of your negative impact on her.

The Shoe That Grows: A show that expands 5 sizes and lasts for years, created for kids living in poverty.

The Hunger Project: Teaching impoverished ones how to shift their mindset and expand beyond poverty consciousness.

WaterKeeper Alliance:  Largest and fastest growing non-profit supporting clean water. Support your local chapter or start your own chapter!

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