Preparing for the Golden Age
Weekly Transmission Service & Monthly Spirit Masterclass

Leave behind the chaos of the world.
Be in the world but not of it.
99 percent of people wake up from a night of not-so-great sleep and immediately grab their phone, diving into their to-do list and day.
While keeping their eyes glued to their phone, they roll of out bed and make themselves a cup of coffee to “wake” themselves up.
Some will even manage to jam a workout in, while listening to a podcast or the news relaying the distorted state of the world in their ears.
Then, it’s off to work – to a job they don’t love – to barely receive enough cash to pay their ever-increasing bills.
99 percent of the population forgets to open their eyes fully (spiritually & physically) and begin their day by connecting into who they really are and living from that place.
Instead, they’re depressed and constantly seeking other things – food, alcohol, coffee, cannabis, TV, internet, gossip, toxic/dramatic relationships and people – to numb out.
The majority of the population is simply attempting to survive and “get through” life, and in the western world, folks then cling to the hope that maybe a nice retirement or pension pay-off will set them free – if they’re “lucky.”
You came to luxuriously get out of bed whenever you damn well please, make yourself a delicious and healthy cup of something (right now I’ve got Rasa on repeat) and begin your day in prayer, meditation and honoring what is sacred and holy.
You came to live abundantly, in radical prosperity now.
You came to glow with the Light of who you really are shining through your eyes.
You came to laugh so hard, you almost pee your pants (No really, I checked with the Highest Light Team, this is one of the things you came for.)
You came to wake up everyday and feel the vitality of your being flowing through you.
You came to be in service, to be creative and receive wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
You came to stay connected to who you really are – regardless of the nonsense around you – and live a Golden, radiant, extraordinary life.
And yes, you’re not only deserving of this, you can have all of this.
Do you agree? If so, I invite you to join me in living your Golden Age life…
life designer
It’s like getting weekly Spirit-Led healing sessions but waaaay easier, and even more gentle. Plus, you get to stay in your pj’s or leisure wear (as I like to call it).

In Preparing For The Golden Age, you live more as your Higher Self, all while in your current physical body.
But before you go thinking that means you’re some weirdo robot-like “perfect” being – let me explain more fully.
Your Higher Self in a physical body means the foundation for your life is your connection to Spirit (God/Goddess/Angels & Guides/Universe – whatever terms resonate for you) and Love.
And that means you live an extraordinary life filled with peace, joy, prosperity, miracles and Love – more of the time.
Now, you’re still in a body. You’ll still misstep. And that’s okay.
Those missteps are happening so that you can grow and create whatever it is in a brand new way – a way you haven’t ever created before.
So even your mess-ups are gold. (See what I did there? Gold, golden? ;))
I’ve co-created this offering with my Highest Light Team so that you can have weekly spiritual healing attunements to navigate 2020 with Love Liberating you – freeing you from the financial, secular, relational, health, sexuality-based, fear & scarcity limitations that have previously held you back.
Because let’s be 100 – there’s a lot of nonsense out there.
You and I have been programmed to believe we’re not enough and we have to “work” in a variety of ways to be worthy. And even then, we still probably won’t be worthy enough.
You’re taking actions almost every day of your life that come from a programmed response.
We want to support you in the gentle unwinding of this programming or deconditioning process so that you can live your authentic expression in the world – in your service-based creative work, in your love life, with your family and in your overall life flow.
I’ll let the Highest Light Team tell you more about this…
“It is the Liberation of your small self, your lower self, your wounded self into the magnificence that is the true and abundant and luxurious and joyous and free you that is needed now.
For you have lived all of your Earth lifetimes indoctrinated into an enslavement culture – thinking you must work to prove your worth, thinking you must twist yourself into all kinds of pretzels to be worthy of Love, believing yourself to be that which you are not.
Believing yourself to be less than, not prosperous, not unlimited when in fact you are all of these things. And so, your Liberation is needed, it is desired by the truest and Highest part of you.
And Love, the frequency of Love, is exactly the frequency that will support you in breaking free.”
-The Highest Light Team through Heather Kristian Strang
In these weekly transmissions and monthly Spirit masterclass, you’ll receive grounded guidance & support to live more as who you really are – your Higher Self in your physical body.
You can easily include this in your day-to-day life – listen to the transmissions & Spirit Masterclass while driving to your fave getaway, as you clean the house or as a meditation to get you back into a daily practice.
What You Receive:

Break free of financial, sexual, relational limitations that are holding you back.

Increase in your success and prosperity without pushing/forcing.

Greater feelings of peace, purpose and empowerment.

Clarity about your next steps in life and your destiny.

Balance of your Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine energies.

Expanded intuitive abilities and healing gifts.

Improved relationships – romantically, friendship and familial.

Embodiment of your Higher Self in your physical format.

Physical/ mental/ emotional healing.

Deeper and consistent meditation practice.

Vibrating at the frequency of Love or higher.

Hello Lovely, I’m Kristian. In 2007-2008 I was sick and no one seemed to know what in the world was wrong with me.
In a moment of panic and pain I blurted out to the Universe (I wasn’t quite sure if I believed in God still), “I want to be Spirit-Led!”
While I had no idea what that term even meant, all the Higher Realms need is our permission and then they can go to work in our lives.
After I uttered this invocation, I was taken on an incredible journey that resulted in a psychic surgery in Brazil that completely healed me and changed my entire life.
Healing energy began pouring out of my hands. My intuition was crazy-on-point.
I suddenly had a strong desire to leave my introverted life working from home as a freelance writer and be of service to others. Several years later I began channeling from the Highest Light.
During this time, I’ve written eight spiritual books and facilitated group meditations, energy healings, channeled transmissions – somewhat like the ones you’ll receive in Preparing for the Golden Age – for thousands of women, couples and families worldwide.
I’ve served as a medium for departed loved ones in one-on-one healing sessions and served as a Love Elder to support existing couples and I’ve (with my Spirit Team leading the way) helped couples come together through spiritual matchmaking.
I currently serve as a messenger for the Highest Light Team as I call them (consisting of Mother Mary, ascended masters & archangels of the Highest Light; like Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ & Mary Magdalene and Archangel Michael, as well as all of the Highest Light Itself).
These transmissions & the monthly Spirit Masterclass will give you the guidance and wisdom needed to be in this world – as Jesus asked of us and demonstrated – but not of it – meaning not defined by or ruled by it.
These transmissions will allow you to vibrate in the 5D or higher, regardless of what’s happening in the 3D/4D worlds.
In Preparing For The Golden Age, you receive:
- Weekly transmissions channeled from the Highest Light Team (HLT) by me and delivered to your inbox every week on Wednesday until we receive guidance that this gathering is complete (more on this below).
- Channeled transmissions come to you in two formats to support you – in both written & audio mp3 – to uplevel, heal and attune you to 5D or higher.
- Monthly Spirit Masterclass Calls featuring channeled A’s from the Highest Light Team to your pre-submitted Qs.
- Monthly Spirit Masterclass calls are 1-2 hours in length and give you the opportunity to submit your Q’s to me and my Highest Light Team about your own life unfolding, relationships, physical health, mental health, emotional well-being, spiritual principles, law of attraction, law of magnetism, karma and much more.
- You may also ask Qs LIVE during this monthly Masterclass call as well. Calls are held on the last Wednesday of every month.
- An optional Facebook forum to network, share insights/aha’s and receive insights about the energies at play each week.
This transmission service runs through June 11, 2020, so that we can begin to prepare for our success for this new decade.
So while the 3D/4D is doing its dying-off thang, we can stay rooted and anchored in the 5th dimension, or higher.
I know, you must be thinking, “What?! How can all this goodness be available to me so that I can literally prepare for and live in the Golden Age NOW, during this wild time?!” Right? I got you. I’m committed to hooking you up with the Highest Light guidance every week so that you can be in the know, rock the leading edge and live an extraordinary life.

Integrative Health Coach

Counselor, Healer, Dance Facilitator
healer & mentor