PuraTHRIVE® Micelle Liposomal Vitamin C

PuraTHRIVE® Micelle Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an incredible healer of our respiratory system, our DNA, our cells and so much more.

Almost all mammals – except for humans – produce their own Vitamin C. So wild, right?

Because of this, supplementing with a high-quality Vitamin C as a human is incredibly important. I talk more about Vitamin C’s importance to overall thriving health in this article here.

I LOVE this Vitamin C because it tastes like a creamsicle 😉 and because it’s easy to take – including taking high quantities of Vitamin C (recommended for many “illnesses”).

This company is also run by pretty amazing humans, who actively go out of their way NOT to market with fear during the 2020 Great Awakening and who genuinely are connected to Higher levels of health, well-being and the new biology.

If you’re gonna purchase Vitamin C – this is the product and this is the company. Enjoy! Xo