As you awaken more and more you're becoming more Light than matter.
As this occurs you'll notice that you're more sensitive – to certain foods, stimulants, cellular technology, wireless technology, people, electro-pollution, negative agenda energies and other denser frequencies.
Now, the total amazing-ness about this sensitivity is that:
- It allows your intuition to be more on point
- Your communication with your Higher Self and Guides & Angels of the Highest Light occurs more frequently
- Your overall flow of life is one of synchronicity and miracles (this is where I love to live) – which – you guessed it – allows you to fulfill your Highest Timeline Destiny (which is what will feel the best to you!).
What can scramble or interfere with all of this goodness are the misaligned frequencies of cellular radiation – particularly now with Five-Gee – as well as electro-pollution and negative agenda energies.
This can create physical pain and even cause you to be more emotionally charged/reactive as well as be more susceptible to mind control and programming (yep, that's been happening ever since we got to Earth :)).
Ultimately the primary purpose for this pollution/radiation/negative energies is to keep you disconnected from your Higher Self and Highest timeline.
Thankfully, there are empowering, protective*, supportive rituals and practices beings of Light like you can utilize to rise above these lower frequencies that also supports your physical body as the roll-outs of Five-Gee and the negative agenda energies continue throughout 2021.
I couldn't figure out why the HLT was so bent on my leading a How to Thrive as an Empath in a Five-Gee/5D World workshop in January 2020.
With the events of March 2020, it all became crystal clear.
Five-Gee is simply a symptom of the negative agenda's intent to perpetuate the disconnection of humans from their Higher Self, and having the proper daily rituals in place as well as a ritual for your home, car and more is not only necessary it's mandatory for these times.
And that's why the HLT has asked me to make available to you our How to Thrive an an Empath in a Five-Gee/5D World training.
In this online training, you'll receive:
- Guidance to vibrate in the 5D or Higher even with technologies like Five-Gee in the world.
- 5 proven rituals to protect/support your physical body as well as your home, car, pets, and children.
- 3 hours of video and audio content to guide you and support you in understanding the impact of cellular radiation, electro-pollution and negative energies, how they work and what you can do to be empowered in all of it.
- A daily Aura Protection ritual that combines the Highest Light frequencies with an ancient Shamanic technique to use morning and evening and even before going out into the world or before Zoom/video meetings.
Wanna know more?
Here's my personal, this-happened-to-me testimonial:
I delayed my home protection ritual for far longer than I should have.
And I noticed that I started having increased trouble sleeping (and no it wasn't spiritual, it was just buzzy!), I was running into things, dropping things and in general feeling off.
Typically I would say, “well, look at your wei qi!” but I was doing my Aura Protection daily so it wasn't me, and I noticed it was also happening for my husband AND dog too.
It was the impact of the Five-Gee and negative agenda energies on the house!
I immediately did the house protection ritual (which you can also use when you travel for hotels, Airbnb's and more) and it all STOPPED.
It was like the house breathed a sigh of relief – it was totally supernatural.
And that really hooked me on how necessary these rituals are.
Prior to having the Aura Protection ritual several years ago, I was highly sensitive to various psychic energies around me (if you're a healer or work with people, this is a must) and didn't know how to navigate all of the energy I was feeling.
Since doing the Aura Protection ritual – all of that stopped and this ritual is part of my daily practice, every.single.day, twice a day during highly charged times – without fail. It strengthens your Aura and energy bodies and is a potent energetic boundary to have in place.
So all that to say…you want to have this training & these rituals at your disposal – especially now.
Also, once you're “in” – you're “in” – which means you'll receive additional rituals and upgrades as the HLT brings them through to me for as long as you're in our swirl – all for freesies.
You can receive the entire training and pack of rituals, as well as forever-more access to the upgrades as more information is released to us for a gift-in of only $147.
You may make this gift via check, Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality or via this PayPal link.
Within 24 hours of receiving your donation, you'll receive the full workshop.
Since you and I are no longer in “practice” mode and we're smack dab in the middle of the full dealio – I'm so grateful the HLT has given us these practices, rituals and wisdom to keep you grounded and calm in the middle of the storm.
As more Five-Gee towers go up around my own town and in others and Five-Gee satellites fill the sky, I celebrate that I feel totally aligned in the midst of all the madness – so that you and I can vibrate in the 5D or higher during it all.
May it be so for you and yours with the How to Thrive in a 5G/5D World training.
And so it is.
*As a Divine being, there's nothing to be in fear of that you need to “protect” from – you simply must be wise to know what frequencies are here on the Earth plane and how you can buoy up your body and energy field to be radiant, supportive and invisible to lower frequencies. This training is chockful of wisdom and supportive, empowering tools and rituals.
P.S. Annnddd…don't just take my word for it, check out what others are saying about this training:
Can I just say that the Aura protection ritual from the 5G/D workshop is the absolute best ever?!! This ritual has made such a huge difference in how I protect my energy throughout the day; I even feel like my body posture is different. Normally I have a lot of energetic exchange throughout the day with the “outside” world and this ritual has been keeping me grounded, protected and calm amidst all sorts of stuff. So ridiculously grateful for this new tool! – K.B.
Wow how incredible! I finished putting all my stones in place yesterday and my entire family slept so soundly. Our toddler didn’t wake the entire night, which has maybe happened a handful of times in his 21 months on earth. – Katie
Thank you so very much for this, Kristian!!! That was so amazing, enlightening, and helpful!!! -Erica
Thank you for doing this workshop, it was such good info. I can't wait to do the ritual! I also referred someone to the workshop – I hope she joins us! -Janna
Thank you, thank you, thank you love! This workshop was immensely helpful to get more systems and practices in place – there is just so much great stuff here. -A.D.