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Rock the 2020 Great Awakening Kicks Off Our Sacred Spirituality Online Intentional Community

we are in the 2020 great awakening loves,
And we want to invite you to co-create the New Society with us…


 We are Light beings united for this Great Awakening.


My eyes popped open after a deep, long night of dreamless sleep.

Instantly I heard/knew/felt, “Sacred Spirituality Online Intentional Community.”


In a whoosh it was in my consciousness and I knew my life would never be the same.

I could see how my 12 years of leading, guiding, healing and living Spirit-Led had all prepared me for co-creating this.

I was flooded with next steps and details. So much so I had to fly out of my bed to grab my journal and then hurriedly write down all of the details coming through.

Over a decade ago, I wrote an article about intentional communities. I visited cohousing communities, eco-housing communities, and communes throughout the Portland, Oregon Metro area to learn more about their philosophies and what made them work.

I instantly fell in love.

I mean, what wasn't there to love? People of like heart, living together, sharing resources, doing “business” with each other, creating their own new world in a sacred container?!

It was perfect!

Time and time again I attempted to buy into and live in an intentional community.

Every time, they were full, or there was some other blockage that did not allow it to be so.

Now, I know why.

Here I am, and here you are and we are in the Great Awakening.

Seems like the perfect time to come together in intentional community, eh?

The 3D and 4D creations and timelines are crumbling, falling apart and the new – the 5D (love-based, unity consciousness, peaceful energies) – are ready to be birthed as the primary operating systems for our world.

The guidance from the Highest Light has been succinct and clear:

Gather together in sacred community. Collaborate. Share. Celebrate. Honor each other.

Do “business”* only with those who are carrying the love, unity, peace frequencies. 

Create the New Reality (that's leading you to the next Golden Age) as your sole focus and intention.

Do not look at the chaos and crazy – stay focused on your devotion to Source, to your Higher Self, to Universal Love. And come together with those carrying this devotion as well.

And so, I now invite you into Sacred, Spirit-Led, Love-fueled intentional online community.

So that no matter where you live in the world (already we have members in Australia, Canada, Nicaragua, and all across the USA with us) – you can gather with Spirit-Led, Love-fueled, heart-based beings of Love and Source Light to actively co-create the New Reality that's leading us to the Golden Age.

In our Sacred Spirituality Online Intentional Community, You'll be set free into greater:
  • Inner Peace
  • Sacred relating and community
  • Joy and celebration
  • Tools for navigating the “dying off” symptoms that you may come into contact with
  • Prosperity – actively creating the New Economy through your community and day-to-day life
  • Deeper connection to your Higher Self and Source HerSelf
  • Be a part of the New Reality Herstory – as we create a new way of living and being in the world – together, as a unified field of Light
 you'll receive:
  • Highest Light Wisdom
  • Sacred connection
  • Spiritual education
  • Spiritual healings and upgrades of the Highest Light
  • Sacred dance events
  • Sacred music events
  • Friends for life (and maybe even a romantic partner for life – I'm still secretly (and now not so secretly) desiring for us to have our first ever community love story :)).
Our weekly, online offerings include:
  • Monthly Masterclass Q&A with me & the Highest Light Team – ask any Q LIVE or submit if you can't be with us LIVE.
  • 2 vibrational medicine healing transmissions a month – on the 11th and 22nd of each month – to upgrade you frequency to 5D or higher.
  • A general listing in our 5D+ Creators Directory to “do business” (i.e. creation exchange) with each other.
  • A monthly spiritual book club gathering to connect and grow your spiritual education.
  • A monthly potluck – to share a meal and connect with each other in a fun and light-hearted manner.
  • A private, MeWe group for sharing, chatting via a private chat feature and encouragement/support.
  • 2-weekly remote group meditations – to improve our telepathic abilities and support the upleveling of the collective to the 5D+ Light.
  • Weekly Awakening tools and resources to support you in navigating the energies at play – including supplements to take, activities to engage in, exercise needed, spiritual practices, etc so you can rock this awakening.
  • Special member pricing of $11.11 for monthly Sacred Dance Particles and quarterly music events.
  • All events are online via Zoom and are recorded. You can access these events and this community from anywhere in the world and watch/experience them again and again as you so desire.

If you feel the resonance of “yes” within you to be in this private, sacred, safe, Love-fueled intentional community, please apply here.

From there, we will check in for the “yes” from the Highest Light Team to have you with us and then we will send you a private payment link to join us.

May the collective Soul vibrate in the frequency of 5D+ and may our online intentional community of Light Beings pave the way for the next Golden Age!

And so it is.

It is so.

(& the Highest Light Team)


P.S. Check out these testimonials from those who have been with me in spiritual community for some time:


“I am here to express a huge THANK YOU to our amazing leader and guide, Kristian Strang, for being such an incredible example of unabashed joy, beauty, abundance, truth, radiance and total love. In re-watching the FB Live (again), and listening to the meditations and transmissions, I am just so in awe of your beauty, aliveness and vibrancy. I know it takes courage to be that, show that, live that in a world where that is “not normal” and often criticized. You inspire me, you inspire us all. You f'in rock! Thank you for having the courage to live your truth, to live your dreams, to live who you are and what you came here to be. And for sharing this with us all. Thank you for being so committed to your path of doing the work so we can all benefit so incredibly greatly. You are AMAZING~!!! I LOVE YOU!!! WE ALL LOVE YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!” – Anonymous

“Today’s call was SO GOOD!!! I’ve never had so much expanded clarity during one of our calls before. I had so many moments that answered questions I didn’t even know I had, and it all just seems to make more sense for some reason. It’s like I get what we are doing here on a whole new deeper, clearer level. Like I am finally grasping what the hell we are doing on Earth as humans and how to navigate it in a way that is in alignment. Seeing through tons of old matrixes. Crazy how much clarity I gained just during the call.”  -J.P.K
“I feel more unified peace! So much comfort in knowing we are all going through so much of the same and are fully supported!” -K.B.
“I have learned to get more comfortable with my own power and how to really take care of myself so I can show up for it. Still in progress but oh boy, it’s been an accelerated journey to say the least! I’ve had such a peaceful experience with being a human in the world in 2020. So grateful for the journey, all of you and the collective future we’ll shape!” -J.R.

*We are upgrading the term “business” as “creation” “creating” and “creation exchange.”

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