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Signs That You're An Advanced Soul

In October 2014 when I made the seemingly simple request to be 100% Spirit-led, Heaven and Earth began to conspire to allow for exactly this. By January 2015, the remaining parts of my life that were not in 100% alignment with who I really am began to be dismantled. Not an incremental dismantling mind you, but a radical shift that did not allow anything to continue unless it was of total alignment with the true, authentic, Source Self me.

2015 was the year that I began my “training” on a level I had never known – so many aspects of my life that used to work for me – everything from a few glasses of wine a week to the people I spent time with to the clothes I wore to the food I ate to how I ran my business to the sex I could have (or not have as the case began to be) – was adjusted. And not in a way of like, “Hey Heather, you need to make this little, itty-bitty change.” Rather, I would try to do something I had always done, which was apparently out of alignment, and my body would have an immediate “negative” reaction. My Higher Self was speaking through my body (as it always does) but at such a clear level, with zero tolerance for misalignment.

I spent all of 2015 “learning” this new way of being in the world – being fully Spirit-led, allowing my body and my environment to communicate with me to guide me to my Highest aligned unfoldings.

Through my online programs and 1:1 mentorship, my clients also began having experiences that mirrored what I had gone through as they ascended to a more aligned level of living their life.

When I inquired about this to my connection with Spirit to find out what was happening, I heard the term “Advanced Soul.” I immediately brushed this aside because I did not like the idea that there is a hierarchy of any kind when it comes to Souls, although of course I understand that there are Ascended Masters and Archangels and the like in the Spirit realm. Of course this was a very human way to look at things, as Spirit does not see anyone or anything better or less than, but also will give us deeper understanding as to what is occurring in our evolution.

Here’s the dealio: All Souls are Divine, all Souls matter, all Souls have a unique and important purpose on this planet. So my fear that the term “Advanced Soul” indicated that there were “lesser” Souls was simply a case of scarcity consciousness. There can be Advanced Souls without anyone or anything being less. How cool!

So, what now with this term Advanced Soul?

As it has been outlined to me through my connection to Spirit, Advanced Souls are those who incarnate into this lifetime with a specific purpose and mission to elevate their area/corner of the world into one of more Light and Source Self alignment.

Advanced Souls feel a specific call to a spiritual life. Many experienced trauma earlier in their life, trauma that instilled in them not only great intuitive gifts, but that opened them to knowing that life was more than merely getting what one wanted. This trauma forced them onto a healing path that opened them up to their intuitive abilities and connection with Spirit (Higher Self, Angels & Guides of the Highest Light and Source/God) so that they could recognize that they are Advanced Souls with an important purpose and mission in this lifetime.

Not all Advanced Souls suffer great trauma, some have simply known they were to be part of supporting the ascension and alignment of Consciousness, but this is rare. Most have come from trauma in this lifetime, the trauma serving as the opening for all of the bliss and Light they are to create now as adults on their Divine Path.

As an Advanced Soul, the usual trappings of human life do not speak to you – perhaps they never have or perhaps like me you went through a time in your life where you really thought it was solely about the money or the person or the stuff or the recognition. But an Advanced Soul comes to realize that this life is about living their purpose, namely to elevate their corner of the world into a state of much Light and Source alignment through the means that they are most called (this can be everything from a 9-5 job to your own business to how you are in every environment you enter).

Advanced Souls are not fulfilled by getting, but rather by making a contribution, by being in service to a Higher path and by fully enjoying and soaking up this life experience. Early on in my life, I thought fully enjoying life meant traveling everywhere, eating and drinking as much rich, decadent food and alcohol as possible and having a lot of “good” sex.

I have of course learned that at one level of consciousness – the level I was at at that time – that was living “fully”, but once you enter this more aligned with who you really are path, the path that I share with others, the Spirit-Led path, these aspects will not fill you up, in fact, you come to realize that that is a superficial way of living this life. Superficial in that it scurries over the depth of emotion and richness that is available to you in every, single moment. That you can be having the richest, most profoundly joyful and awesome experience right in the middle of your living room and that all of that other “stuff” can often serve as distraction from the beauty that is available to you in each moment of this life.

Truly soaking up this life experience is linked to deep connection with others and fully feeling the joy of being alive and interacting with nature and with others on this path. It can be as simple as sitting or walking outside and feeling your body flooded with love and appreciation for this life and all that it contains or having a conversation with another Soul or a member of your Spirit Team and feeling how deeply you love and care for him or her.

Below is a list of experiences you may have when you are on this fully Spirit-led path and are operating as what we’re now calling an Advanced Soul. The purpose for sharing this is so that those of you on this path do not feel alone, something I felt pretty significantly early on in 2015 as I navigated this new way of being.

You are SO not alone. There are many other humans on this planet who are also walking this path! My intention is to continue to offer programs all with online group forums so that no matter where you live in the world you have access to a community of Souls who are right there with you on this path.

So, review this list below and know that you are not alone in your unfolding as an Advanced Soul:

  • You find that you can no longer watch any TV or movies or listen to music filled with anger, hatred and violence.
  • If you are in an environment that is not aligned to you, your body may shudder or shake or contract to let you know you need to move on.
  • You may have moments of looking in the mirror and realize a new you is emerging. It’s somewhere between not recognizing yourself and seeing something you’ve never seen before. It can feel a bit disorienting, so tap Cortices with the intention of aligning to your Higher Self and take deep breaths.
  • Your tolerance for processed foods is low. Gluten, processed dairy, soy, corn, refined sugar, caffeine – will all throw your system out of whack. This is a good thing. Adjust to a free-from the above diet with little bits of the above when you’re feeling a craving to support your body.
  • You will metabolize alcohol totally differently. 2 glasses of wine will impact you like 4, 1 glass like 2, a sip like a glass. Overtime you may find it impossible to metabolize alcohol, cigarettes and any controlled substances. This is because as your body becomes more Light-filled foods, beverages and substances that alter your consciousness have no place for you.
  • Your desire to eat and take in animal products will drastically be altered. You will begin to eat mostly a plant-based diet, with animal products only when you have a specific craving (which means your body will let you know whenever you need animal products).
  • You are sensitive to others energy and must take part in daily clearing activities so that you can feel your best. I highly recommend White sage on the daily. You can get all of my recommendations on maintaining strong Energetic Health here.
  • You feel a profound connection to nature, plants and animals. Animals and babies/children begin to respond to you differently – almost running up to greet you like they’ve known you for some time. You feel grounded and soothed by nature and must be out in it almost daily – rain or shine.
  • You notice your manifestation capabilities begin to accelerate. Just thinking about something can bring it about – “good” or “bad”. You begin to realize how important the thoughts you think are and begin to adjust to focusing on what is filled with Light.
  • You have almost zero tolerance for negativity of any kind. It will actually feel like it’s hurting your body-mind if negative conversations or people enter your space. This will feel scary and isolating at first (i.e., who will I talk to?) but you must ask Spirit to send you your more aligned tribe and connections that nurture you and the Light of Source.
  • You will be “forced” through life circumstances to address shadow aspects of yourself. This means you no longer view anyone or anything that comes into your space as something you have to push away. Rather, you ask to see the mirror within yourself and get to “work” on Loving and bringing to Light that part of you. From there the person or thing will either go away on its own or you will, without charge or trigger be able to set it free.
  • Your teacher/healer/practitioner will be brought to you in synchronistic manner such as through social media, a friend, a dream. You will just know that they are who you are to work with as you navigate this path. For me, a person entered my life that brought up a strong shadow response in me, this person recommended I work with a teacher I had known for some time but had not felt called to. The minute the recommendation was made, I knew she was my next teacher for this expanded path I was on. I got to see immediately the Magic of this “non-aligned” person popping back into my life!
  • You will ask to come together with others who are also on this path, and again, they will come into your life synchronistically (i.e., you will be guided to go to that event or cafe or take that class and not fully know why and then yes! there they will be) although it’s important to note here, they may not be who you would “choose” or in the quantity that you may desire. Spirit brought me a small handful of individuals on this path and most usually did not live anywhere near me so that I would not be distracted from what I needed to do as a Spirit being in a body. I resisted this at first and asked for more in-my-area friends who were Divinely aligned and they brought me 2. I surrendered.
  • Your body will not let you get away with shit. If you are out of alignment, you will have almost immediate body responses that will let you know. Dis-ease/injury, no longer is about being a victim of “bad” circumstances, but rather a way that you more fully align to who you really are. Taking something (medications, herbs, etc) or receiving healing work to “get rid” of the illness or injury is no longer the focus, rather, “how may I partner with my body so that we can live in a state of well-being today?” In this paradigm, we know Spirit is speaking through the body and will redirect us as needed. We surrender to this and honor what our body is asking for and partner with practitioners who also understand this and want to work with our body so that we can live the fullness of our Destiny, not merely try to force the body to be the way we want it to be or think it should be.

This way of living, while foreign at first – depending on your background – is exactly as you intended for it to be when you incarnated! Your body is meant to be your tuning fork, it’s meant to guide you. You are meant to treat it with the utmost care. You are meant to care for your Energy body so that your life can be aligned with your Highest path. You are meant to only be in environments and around people who uplift you and support you on your path. You are meant to live in a frequency that is the representation of the true you.

As an Advanced Soul, your purpose is to bring as much Light (aka, Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Blessings) into your area of the world (or the area of the world you are called to, as many will move if they are not in the most aligned place on the planet for them) and to do so through the vehicles that you are called to. No matter what work you do in the world, you can bring the Light of Source in. But it’s important to note that being able to bring in the Light of Source only comes from doing your own spiritual “work”, becoming more of who you really are so that you can be a clear channel for this Light to flow through.

Why is this important?

Consciousness is continually evolving and we have entered a time where imbuing our planet with Light and Love is exactly what is needed for the collective humanity to ascend to its next level of realization and wonder of what it means to be a human being. Anchors of Advanced Souls exists all over the planet so that we can beam out this Light, literally covering the planet with this elevated vibration. This elevated vibration then supports other Souls in accessing their Divinity and making choices that align them to who they really are, then again elevating the frequency of the planet and the collective consciousness.

Again, this can only happen with those called to this path doing their own work, first and foremost, committing to being a Divine Light in the world and taking focused and specific actions to bring in the Light everywhere they go and in everything they do.

Many blessings and Love to you if you are called to this path. And welcome! My community is open to you if you feel the call to partner with us on elevating the frequency of this planet. Feel free to join any of my programs if you feel the call to live in this beautiful, rich way.

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