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Spiritual Partnership (& Matchmaking!): The New Frontier

We are in it.

Our Ascension Process continues to…well, Ascend – most often at an accelerated pace and with it new guidance is emerging about how we can be part of the change that is needed during this time.

When we say “be part of the change,” we mean answering and living in this question:

“How can I live in and emulate the Love, Peace and Prosperity that I innately am (and that all innately are) so that this vibration of Love, Peace & Prosperity can be more readily available and accessible to more beings and thus support the upleveling of our collective consciousness that is needed at this time?”

One of the major responses coming from my connection to Higher Consciousness as of late has been this: Spiritual Partnership is the new frontier.

For me personally, this also means my more fully embracing my role as a Love Elder for existing couples and as a Spiritual Matchmaker for singles.

As many of you know, I have worked with hundreds of couples and have been matching clients and friends for over 7 years. In fact, I just matched a friend when I put her in our prayer triangle ritual for 7 days straight with the request that she meet her husband. And then, voila! She's engaged! The power of my ability to align others to their Divine Loves is mind-blowing, even for me!

It has truly become a “bonus gift” I didn't even know that I had until it started happening.

A few days after it was shared with me by my Higher Wisdom that I am to focus more on offering this level of work, a reporter reached out to me (totally unprompted, I had never even written for this media outlet before!) saying she heard I was a “spiritual matchmaker” – a term I have never used before – and asked if I would be willing to be interviewed for an article she was writing. A week later, another reporter reached out to me with the same request, again citing me as a “spiritual matchmaker.”

This is the Miraculous thing about living a Spirit-Led Life, Divine guidance will ALWAYS be confirmed in synchronistic fashion to let you know that the information you've been given is right in alignment with your Destiny.

Speaking of my Destiny…

Many, many years ago an intuitive astrologer told me that I was here to get my PhD in Love & Relationships through my own experiences and then I would share this with others, and boy was she right.

I've experienced the traditional relationship marriage model and gender roles, I've dated across gender lines, I've been in the tumult of Twin Flame union and the at times agony of karmic Soulmate Love. I've Loved so deeply and had my heart ripped open by Love, I've had amazingly mystical experiences with Love (my The Quest fiction book series shares many of these occurrences from my early 30's), I've experienced incredible romantic gestures that opened my heart & Soul.

I've had The Divine show me exactly who my partner is, in fact, I've seen Golden Light around every individual I've ever Loved and been in relationship with (showing me that Divine relationship is always a Divine appointment!).

I've also read pretty much every book available on the topic of Love as well as Orgasmic Meditation and sacred sexuality. I've taken a ton of courses on the topics of Love & Partnership from The Gottmans to Harville Hendrix to Gay & Katie Hendricks to Nicole Moore to Gina DeVee & Gabrielle Bernstein to Mama Gena to Marianne Williamson to SARK to Tony Robbins.

I've had profound healing experiences led by John of God in Brazil, Dr. Janet Galipo, Dr. John Veltheim, Dr. Robert Kellum and his Beloved Donna (they work together as a couple, #swoon) and most recently the saint Amma.

All of this has been fueled by this profound desire to not only understand Love & Partnership but to see it be co-created in a way that is in true alignment with one's Destiny.

I'm not talking about relationship for the sake of relationship – anyone can do that, anyone can be with someone to be with someone. What has impassioned me has been Divine appointments for Sacred Relating and Sacred Partnership and how those unfold in alignment with our Divine Destiny.

I've come to see and realize how every Divine Love Appointment / relationship is a Sacred and Holy event all aimed at allowing you to more fully embody the true you and live your Destiny at the most aligned level.

For me, all of this has enlivened my ability to be a Spiritual Matchmaker and Love Elder (a term coined in Jeff Brown's book An Uncommon Bond), and I'm thrilled to be able to support so many on their Love journeys.

I've witnessed as women who haven't dated in upwards of 8 years and one who at 40 years old had never had a relationship then met their Beloved after only a few sessions with me – one of which married her Beloved a year later, along with a couple who after 30 years of marriage was ready for divorce until a session with me turned it all around and they were back in Love “like teenagers.”

I've witnessed as couples in distress over lack of sex have been reunited with a deeply passionate connection, I've supported my stubbornly single clients in dating in a way that allows them to move past their old stuck patterns and into partnerships that lead them to deep, peaceful Love, cohabitation and even Sacred Union marriage.

These are True Love partnerships. They are not settling or brushing things under the rug so as not to cause a fuss.

These are Spiritual Partnerships rooted in the core of who each one is so that each one can bring more Light to this world and thus through their partnership more Love, Peace & Prosperity now exists in the world.

I am elated that this is the next frontier for us all – experiencing these Divine appointments of Spiritual Partnership or elevating our current relationships into these areas – and that my work will now place a greater focus on this.

So, why Spiritual Partnership as the New Frontier for this time in Consciousness?

We were told not so long ago that it was time for existing couples to upgrade their partnerships to the 5th Dimension (which is rooted in Love, Peace & Prosperity), therefore making spiritual consciousness a priority so that they could emulate this Love, Peace & Prosperity that is so Divinely needed at this time to support themselves and the greater whole.

In my inquiry with The Highest Light Team and all of the Highest Light I have asked repeatedly, “What is needed during this time so that all Living Beings can live in Love, Peace & Prosperity?”

Instantly I was shown all living beings coming together in Spiritual Partnership with their Beloved and this being the antidote to the pain that has been so prevalent and is so prevalent for so many.

After all, it's pretty hard to be fueled by anger and resentment and act out violently when you are deeply in Love, experiencing daily synchronicities that are guiding you on a path that continues to unfold miraculously in each moment, while having connected, sacred sexual union with your Beloved and therefore being inspired to give your gifts in new ways and ascend more fully into who you really are.

I now include in my daily prayer ritual asking that all Living Beings be united with their Beloved or Great Love (if their Beloved has already made his/her transition back into non-physical a Great Love is what's next, The Highest Light Team outlined a general relationship “structure” that explains all of this – this is featured in our book A Life of Magic). I encourage you to include this in your prayers as well if you feel so called.

I will be sharing more with you about all of this, what it looks like and how you can align with, nurture, expand and prosper in your Spiritual Partnership so stay tuned.

I look forward to many more matchings of Divine Loves and celebrating many more Sacred Unions with you!

In Divine Love Always & Forevermore,

XoHeather Kristian

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