See the original post here on our sister site, Metaphysical Menu.
It’s that time of year Loves, so cue the holiday gift-giving!
Or what I like to call the HolyDays gift-giving.
You see, we’re working our way into what Chinese medicine calls Water element time and that means a time of introspection, Divine magical moments, deep inner healing, and coziness surrounded in warmth (in and around our bodies). Yet in the Western culture this time of year is treated like Summer element time – a time of celebration, maximum doing, celebrations and go-go-go.
The natural rhythms of life ask that we spend the time of Winter in deep connection with the Holy and The Divine that resides within us, within those we Love and all around us.
So, how do you BE in the world but not of It during this traditionally manic time (my life’s work btws, with tools you can find here)?
You treat it as a Holy time – from the food to the parties and even to the gifts – you treat it all in honor of the metaphysical (the spiritual and the physical) that exists within every human.
Which means you give gifts that honor the multi-dimensionality of your loved ones – that they are both Human AND Divine, just as you are. Even if they don’t consciously know it.
Heck, you might even want to order the gifts below in bulk and gift them to all the Loves in your life now and for their birthdays and next year too.
So, are you ready?
Here we glow…
#1: For the Foodie. Nothing says, “I honor The Divine in you” like the food and beverages we put into our bodies. What we choose to eat/drink and put into and on our bodies is one of the greatest acts of Self-love (or not) because it’s literally either giving us energy and radiance or polluting the body and creating dis-ease.
So how can you give the gift of high-vibrational food to those you love without being like, “OMG, the food and water is totally compromised and the chemicals in the food/beverages are making you physically and mentally ill!” and thus scaring the crap out of them and totally turning them off?
You start out simple.
Did you know that 95% of Americans do not consume the needed daily dose of fruits and veggies, which leads to a compromised immune system and dis-ease over time?
You can gift your Loved Ones an organic Fruit & Veggie superfood pack so that for only $3/day they can experience the organic fruits & veggies they need to upgrade their health, hydrate their cells and glow from the inside out. And it takes about 3 minutes to prepare. That’s right, no juicer, no messy juicing pulp, no hours a day preparing the high-vibe juices.
Instead, you can gift organic fruits & veggies grown in regenerative soil to those you Love so their bodies can naturally start doing what the body is designed to do – heal itself into full radiance. Gift the vital organic nutrition that your Loved ones need here and receive 25% off (and btws, it tastes super yummy too!). Oh, and BONUS, all of the organic foods come in compostable packaging, so you’re honoring Mother Earth when you give this gift too.
#2 For the Eco-Conscious Fashionista. Plastic shopping bags are not only so 2008, most “eco-friendly” tote bags are still made out of plastics and are pretty heinous looking too (in my ever humble opinion). I should know, as my car is filled with tote bags that while reusable are either not Earth-friendly or are seriously ugly.
So when my spiritual team said it was time to create a Metaphysical AF canvas tote bag (cuz that’s the kind of relationship we have ;)) that was super cute and also lets me carry books, groceries and anything else I want while honoring the Earth – I was a hard YES.
May I present to you, the first-ever Metaphysical AF canvas tote bag!
Now you and your Loved ones may shop to your hearts content, honor Mother Earth and look metaphysically sexy doing it. Order your organic Metaphysical AF tote here.
#3 For the Reader and Romantic. Who do you know who loves to get lost in a good novel? Now what about finding a great novel that also incorporates spiritual principles, demonstrates how to live a Spirit-Led life and includes really yummy conscious sex? I mean, that’s a heck of a combination right?
Enter my The Quest 3-book romance novel series. This 3-book series is now available as a gift-set, complete with a personalized message from the author (yours truly) and blessed to assist the reader in having their best love life yet.
Did you know The Quest was optioned as a film and endorsed by bestselling authors? Yep, it’s that good! Check it out…
“The Quest takes you on a journey deep within, asking you to honor your own guidance above all else and reminds us that when we follow Spirit and work with the laws of the Universe miracles abound. A must-read for any Spirit Junkie on the path!” —Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times bestselling author of Miracles Now
Order The Quest gift set for the reader in your life here.
#4 For the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine has been awakening within women and men in a deep and powerful Way in the world. Because of this, more are pulled to connect with Divine Feminine Goddesses such as Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and Isis.
In my #11 book, Love Letters From Mary Magdalene: The Untold Tale of Her Life, Love & Legacy – the Divine Feminine in your life will receive Divine Wisdom from Mary herself (featuring pop-in’s from Mother Mary and Isis too!) on how to live a rich, Golden Age life Now, while also busting through the myriad of myths that have surrounded her life and her love with Yeshua (the one known as Jesus Christ).
Love Letters From Mary Magdalene: The Untold Tale of Her Life, Love & Legacy is now available for paperback pre-order as a blessed and signed copy, released to those who pre-order before it opens in retailers. Pre-order this life-elevating book for the Divine Feminine in your life and we’ll email her a BONUS, unpublished Love Letter AND a special message from Mary Magdalene over the HolyDays, as well as the paperback copy of the book in the first quarter of 2023.
Receive all of the details to gift to the Divine Feminine in your life here.
#5 For the tea drinker, or the coffee drinker who needs to convert ASAP. Herbal teas are known to hold healing properties that assist, just like organic superfoods, in the body’s natural ability to regenerate and self-heal. Drinking 1-2 cups of organic herbal tea, grown in regenerative soil is a simple and easeful Way to create balance in the body and radiant health in combination with daily organic superfoods.
Kauai Farmacy is my go-too for herbal teas and salves – not only because of my connection with Kauai (it’s where I was called to after my spiritual awakening in 2008 and where I wrote my first book) but because this is a family-run farm and the consciousness with which your organic food and herbs are grown has a direct influence over its power (or not) in your body.
You can gift the tea drinker in your life the Wellness Herbal Blend which is an alkaline, anti-parasitic healing tea or the Women’s Blend or any of the many options they offer for herbal tea wellness.
Check out the Kauai Farmacy today.
Now, you can relax into the true power and meaning of the HolyDays, knowing that as you do, you’re honoring Mother Earth, honoring your Loved ones innate Divinity and doing good in the world by supporting indie and conscious creators. And I won’t tell anyone if you grab all of the above just for you too.
This Gift Guide is a true Win-Win-Win for all metaphysical Souls!
I look forward to hearing about all the good you create with these gifts. Xo
P.S. And if you’d like to eat high-vibe for the HolyDays, click on the “Holiday” tab here for gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, corn-free, refined sugar-free, alcohol-free, caffeine-free recipes. XX
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