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Sacred Trainings

Together with Mary Magdalene, Yeshua & The Highest Light we've co-created these self-paced, online trainings to support you in thriving in your Source-Led / Spirit-Led life in The Way that Mary & Yeshua emulated – no matter what's happening in the artificial matrix.

You'll receive practical, easy-to-apply tools and processes that will keep your Advanced Technology body temple clear – including your emotional channel (i.e., with “shadow” or wound healing), and your energetic channels clear all while strengthening your body-mind-Spirit from cellular radiation, negative energies and other aspects of the artificial matrix.

You can also receive the exact healing protocol you need to be your own best Doctor for you and your family – with actionable metaphysical RXs to activate your Highest Healing & Radiance.

Read on to learn more…

how to Thrive as an empath in a 5g/5d world

BONUS: addresses electropollution & negative energies too

In today's world, as beings of Love (or Lightworkers – whichever term resonates for you), we must buoy up our energy field and our homes so that they are impenetrable to negative energies so that we may live in the New Reality or Golden Age energies now.

In this training, you'll receive 3 hours of video/audio training and 5 specific rituals and practices to protect, support and empower your physical body, your home, your pets and your children.

These practices and tools will support you in vibrating in the 5D or higher and protect you from the harmful effects of Five-Gee cellular radiation, electropollution and negative energies.

And, when you're “in” – you're in for a lifetime – which means you'll receive all updates that we're guided to share forevermore. Pretty sacredly awesome, eh?!

5D+ Health: Be Your Own Best Doctor


As we enter the New Era of Consciousness preparing for the next Golden Age, The Way in which we do everything changes.

It changes to a more empowered, interdependent approach, it shifts us out of the programming and conditioning that has kept us stuck and depleted Life-Stream after Life-Stream.

It completely changes The Way we “age” and The Way we “die.”

We can now be free of the old mind control programs of the mainstream that say a human – after being poisoned throughout their life – then gets “sick,” ages in a dramatic fashion and “dies” a painful death.


  • Learn how to work with, respect and see your body as the Advanced Technology that it truly is.
  • Learn EXACTLY what to do if you or anyone in your family has a health crisis (and no, it doesn’t involve going to a hospital!).
  • Create a daily health practice that honors this advanced technology and boosts your Health & Healing.
  • Receive the Tools necessary for navigating any health “issues.”
  • Stock up your Health toolkit with the medicines that will bring about complete holistic healing.
  • Shift yourself out of the antiquated 3D/4D models of aging and “death.”

access online: 5-step self-healing practice

I've used the Access Advanced Technology self-healing practice for the past 12 years as I was taught it from the International BodyTalk Association.  It's the ultimate in self-empowerment and healing tool for you and your family.

Access is taught worldwide in countries that do not have access to “modern” healthcare so that they can keep their body's healthy, strong and vital.

With it you can…

Receive a daily 5-step empowered, Advanced Technology healing practice that:

  • Balances the entire head-brain, heart-brain, gut-brain for optimal clarity, memory and decision-making
  • Moves you into deeper relaxation and peace
  • Hydrates all the cells of your body temple so your body can self-heal
  • Balances (& upgrades!) your immune system
  • Strengthens and stabilizes your entire muscle-skeletal system for optimal experience
  • Have an “emergency” situation tapping protocol to turn any “accident” into an easefully healed experience

You'll receive all of this while writing NEW programs about health-care and healing and supporting your total EMPOWERMENT for your life-stream now and in the years to come.

In this 2-hour online training, you'll receive the exact tapping practices needed for all of this, along with a PDF guide with specific videos to easily teach you this healing practice and implement it immediately into your life.

You'll also receive a specialized mantra and 30-day practice so that you can uplevel your body's ability to self-heal.

Please share this tapping practice with your children and spouse so that your whole family can benefit from this Advanced Technology healing protocol.