How to Be Your Own Best Doctor / Healer
2-Part Online Masterclass
September 16, 2021 @ 11:11am-1:11pmPST
September 23, 2021 Q&A @ 11:11am-12:12pmPST
Your Body is the most Advanced Technology on Earth. (Seriously.)
As we enter the New Era of Consciousness preparing for the next Golden Age, The Way in which we do everything changes.
It changes to a more empowered, interdependent approach, it shifts us out of the programming and conditioning that has kept us stuck and depleted Life-Stream after Life-Stream.
It completely changes The Way we “age” and The Way we “die.”
We can now be free of the old mind control programs of the mainstream that say a human – after being poisoned throughout their life – then gets “sick,” ages in a dramatic fashion and “dies” a painful death.
The #3 leading “cause” of death in the U.S. alone is reported as medical error.
This happens because most humans erroneously and in a disempowered fashion give their consent to Western medicine “doctors” to do what they want with their bodies.
These disconnected-from-Source “doctors” can & only do cause harm because it’s not their Divine Right to be in “charge” of another human’s body or Life Stream.
That is the responsibility of Each and Every Soul – no one else.
We’re seeing this tragedy continue in great quantities during the dissolution of the 3D/4D matrix, and those of you vibrating in alignment with Source HerSelf need the tools and empowerment to have your Thriving Health in your own Radiant hands!
And so, due to the overwhelming mind control around Health & Body by the mainstream matrixes, this workshop will focus on your Radiance, Vitality and living as the Divine, Advanced Technology Human you TRULY are.
In the 5D+ consciousness, you are your OWN best doctor and healer because you honor that your body is an Advanced Technology Temple.
In this 2-part Masterclass I will give you the Source-inspired Guidance, tools, practices, natural medicines (including energy medicine practices) that will allow you to no longer give your power away to medical doctors and even 4D healers.
So that you can THRIVE no matter what’s happening in the world as the 3D/4D frequencies continue to die off, dissolve and eventually no longer reside on Earth.
This 2-part Masterclass will address:
- What is dis-ease?
- Why do you “get sick?”
- What to do when you or someone you Love “gets sick?”
- The programs you’ve received from the mainstream matrix about “getting sick” that is making you “sick.”
- How to take your power back from the dis-ease matrix.
This 2-part Masterclass will Liberate you in the following ways:
- Learn how to work with, respect and see your body as the Advanced Technology that it truly is.
- Learn EXACTLY what to do if you or anyone in your family has a health crisis (and no, it doesn’t involve going to a hospital!).
- Create a daily health practice that honors this advanced technology and boosts your Health & Healing.
- Receive the Tools necessary for navigating any health “issues.”
- Stock up your Health toolkit with the medicines that will bring about complete holistic healing.
- Shift yourself out of the antiquated 3D/4D models of aging and “death.”
In part 2 of this Masterclass, you can ask all your Qs (after having a week to integrate the guidance) so that you complete the Masterclass at a new level of Health Freedom & Empowerment.
In fact, after this Masterclass is complete, you’ll be:
- Empowered for you and your family’s Health Freedom.
- Inspired to live your life in The Way that’s in alignment with Source HerSelf.
- Free from the old aging, sickness and death 3D/4D mind control programs.
- Have go-to Protocols and Tools when Health “stuff” arises for you and your family.
- Free from the old “medical” systems of control, dominance and poisoning.
- Living in the Golden Radiance of the next Golden Age NOW when it comes to your Health & Body.
- Greater Interdependence with the doctors/healers you DO choose to partner with. No longer disempowered, you co-create expanded Healing & Vitality together!
This 2-part Masterclass includes:
- 3 hours of LIVE video time together, including the 4-1-1 on what disease & death is and how it all works here on Earth, Q&A, Health freedom resources & remedies, and a Self-Healing Activation Transmission to elevate your ability to navigate any communication from your body temple.
- Recorded video & audio from the workshop to listen to again and again.
- Ability to have your Health Qs answered LIVE (or submit if you cannot be with us).
- Actionable tools you can immediately apply in your life and implement for you and your Family’s Healing and thriving.
- Links to leading-edge 5D+ videos and support tools to empower you in your Health & well-being.
About Me:
I’ve been working with humans 1:1 and in groups on their Health & Well-being since 2008.
In that time, I’ve been blessed to work as a Coach, Counselor and Healing Practitioner.
I now serve as a Spiritual Guide, led by Source HerSelf and supported by Mother/Father God, Mary Magdalena & Yeshua & all of the Highest Light energies.
For many years, I ran a traditional healing practice, serving over 1,000 Souls aiding them in healing (and staying healed – that’s the biggie!) Western diagnosis’ such as terminal cancer, breast / liver / colon cancer, autoimmune diseases such as Lyme, Lupus, Chronic fatigue and many others, chronic back and knee pain, “mystery” illnesses, depression, suicidal ideations, anxiety, bipolar, drug / alcohol / food addiction, infertility, distorted body weight expressions, tumors & cysts of all types, reproductive health issues and much more.
I realized that it’s far better to be on a healing path, receiving regular care and treatment (from the Self first and foremost) before it turns to a dramatic Western diagnosis – which operates as a modern-day curse/witchcraft.
This is something I’m passionate about setting humans free from!
I ended my traditional practice in 2016 and moved into deeper spiritual guidance “work,” teaching and spiritual counseling so that the Souls called to me could heal themselves before any type of health manifestation had to fully and dramatically transpire to get their attention.
I too have healed my own self from reproductive health issues, digestive illness (IBS), anxiety/depression, chronic pain, food allergies and self-sabotage through the tools and practices I’ll share in this 2-part Health Freedom Masterclass.
I’m a Certified PaRama BodyTalk Energy Medicine Practitioner with training in both Chinese Medicine, Western principles, and energy healing since 2010.
I’ve received my certification as a Barefoot Doctor with training in Western and Chinese herbal remedies in 2014.
In addition, I have my Masters Degree in Metaphysical Science and I’m currently completing my Doctorate in Metaphysical Psychology.
I dedicated my life to The Divine in 2008 and have been channeling for Source since 2015, unified with my Higher Self and with the support of my non-physical Light Family – Mary Magdalena, Yeshua, Archangel Michael, Mother / Father God and all of the Highest, Source Light energies.
Experience the Be Your Own Best Doctor / Healer
2-part Masterclass via Zoom*
For a sliding scale gift-in of:
You may gift-in via Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality or PayPal friends & family at: hkristians@protonmail.com or via check/cash/gold/silver, email me here for mailing address.
Have Qs about this leading-edge Masterclass on Health Freedom in The Way of the Sacred?
*All participants will receive a downloadable audio link to keep, and a video link to watch within 30 days of the online event. You may also submit your Qs via email to me for our September 23 Part 2 Masterclass if you cannot be with us LIVE.
©Copyright 2021 Heather-Kristian:Strang