“The teachers of your time have shared with you the power of the Christ, yes, and
an expanded inner-standing of what this means is now emerging.
What is ready to emerge and rise like never before is the Feminine Christ and Her
impact upon your current Earth and cosmic configurations.
It is through the Awakening of the Feminine Christ – which we will share with you –
that you can begin to live more fully upon Earth as the True You, and it is this
energy that increases your magnetics, your Creation abilities & thus creates the
next Golden Age in your day-to-day experience and for the Collective as a whole.”
-Mary Magdalene through Dr. Kristian Strang
On Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day we’ll gather in Her Name – with altars, Roses, Sacred Oils & Holy Water at the ready.
We will gather with our Sacred Heart’s open to receive Her Divine Wisdom to assist in the Awakening of the Feminine Christ within and around us.
All religions and spiritual teachings speak of the Christed Way (whether they use that terminology or not) – The Way of living Unified upon the Earth as The Divine in form.
The masculine energies are revered in doing so, and yet – you and I are both feminine & masculine – meaning that in order to fully unify with our Higher Selves or The Divine Self in form, we must awaken, embody and unify with the Feminine Christ who is now available to us.
Mary Magdalene exemplified this path, even despite efforts to tarnish her name and to paint her as a harlot or a woman defined by her sexual prowess (as is often done in New Age teachings).
Mary Magdalene is a Goddess who lived upon this Earth as the Feminine Christ, united with her Holy Beloved Yeshua Ben Joseph (known as Jesus Christ), the Masculine Christ.
She wants you to know that she was not always in this unified embodiment – that it was a process, an intentional and deliberate process that she actively co-created. (Lest you think of her as some mythical, perfected creature. She assures you she was not and thus that is not the requirement for anyone drawn to this path.)
This is for you if:
• You feel a special harmonic with Mary Magdalene.
• You feel called to live as fully as your most authentic, true Self in form upon Earth.
• You feel a Soul resonance with what the Greeks called Anthropos, becoming the Divine
Human in form.
• You identify as the Feminine.
• You desire to be an active part of the change in consciousness currently taking place on
• You desire to vibrate & live in harmony with your own thriving no matter what's happening in the artificial matrix.
What You May Experience Upon attending this Event:
• Increase in synchronicity
• Increase in things “just working out for you”
• Increase in Miracles
• Increase in Epiphanies and deeper Knowing
• Expansion of your Intuitive Abilities
• More being in the “right place at the right time”
• Increases in the “right” people coming to you at the “right” time
• Increased Healing abilities
• Increased Creation abilities
• Stronger nervous system – your capacity for more is easeful
• Stronger auric field – your capacity to serve with a larger impact increased
• Stronger physical body – you may notice increased physical prowess and abilities
• Increased Sovereignty – energetically & physically
• Womb / creative center healing
In this 90-minutes together, you’ll receive:
• Special details on creating an altar for and honoring Mary Magdalene on her Feast Day. You’ll receive a prep email with guidance on how to prepare upon registering.
• Key details on how the Feminine Christ manifests in action upon Earth today so that you may actualize this in your own experience.
• A channeled transmission from Mary Magdalene to assist the awakening of your Feminine Christ.
• A Guided Meditation Activation assisting you in the embodiment and unification of your own Feminine Christ in form.
Once you join this Divine Gathering, the Awakening of your Feminine Christ begins, so be open to all levels of Miracles available to you from this.
This Activation happens through the body, as everything must so that you can live in full totality the true and pure expression of your Essence, of your Being, of Who You Really Are.
Through the power of the Pure Cosmic Christed Heart It Is So.
Say “yes” by gifting/donating in any amount that’s resonate for you.
If you’re in financial hardship, message me for scholarship possibilities. No one who truly desires to be with us will be turned away.
If you’re in financial thriving, consider gifting abundantly to assist those that are not yet in that vibrational state (but which are on their Way to it).
Gifts can be made sans digital via check, gold or silver. Inquire here for mailing address.
Or via PayPal here or Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality