Special Note from Dr. Kristian Strang:
The most important work you could ever be doing at this time is to consciously and intentionally embody your Goddess (Higher) Self and to live as Her in form, now.
The artificial matrix wants you contracted in fear and anger – which is the opposite of the natural rhythm of the summer and the natural rhythm of The Divine. The natural rhythm is maximum expansion into who you REALLY are. And who you really are is a Goddess in form.
If you agree with the above, then please continue reading and join us as we do the most intentional and vital work we could be doing with our precious lives at this time. XO
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The Goddess leads us into the Golden Age.
But it’s not only the Goddess “out there” in Mary Magdalene, Goddess Isis, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary and the like.
It’s the Goddess that lives WITHIN YOU.
And it’s not only for the Golden Age to come in the future, 30+years out.
It’s the Golden Age that wants to be born NOW in your life.
Welcome to the Hot Goddess Summer Experience.
You’re about to have the sexiest, most ecstatic, radiant, beautiful, &
abundant summer of your life.
Personal note from Dr. Kristian Strang:
In 2022 upon completing the writing of my #11 book Love Letters From Mary Magdalene: The Untold Tale of Her Life, Love & Legacy another chapter of my mystical and spiritual awakening unfolded.
Suddenly the Goddesses of the Highest Light were with me. They were all around me, they were in my healing sessions, my spiritual counseling sessions, my prayer treatments, as I got ready each day, in my meditations, in my prayer time, in my sacred morning rituals and on my beach walks.
They were with me when I was grocery shopping (and they had new foods for me to eat) and when I was shopping in general (they had new clothes for me to wear and jewelry to adorn myself with and even new henna color to use) and each night before I fell asleep, and again each morning when I awoke.
They led me to have the above Goddess photoshoot that I initially thought would be a regular ole photoshoot, that morphed into the most fun I’ve ever had, being my Goddess Self!
(It also made me look deep into what a true expression of SEXY is for me – I’ll tell that story in the Masterclass too. XO)
Mary Magdalene was of course right beside the Goddesses of the Highest Light (I like to call her the OG Goddess of the HLT), beaming.
And their message was loud and clear.
The Goddess of the Highest Light is RISING and it is She who will lead us all individually and therefore collectively into the Golden Age, now and in the years to come.
In 2012 when I was only 5 years into my awakening journey, it was all Divine Feminine everything. I studied, I read books, I took classes, I received copious amounts of energy medicine healings, and then I worked with my clients in the same way of balancing their masculine and feminine energies and stepping into their Divine Feminine self as I also did.
This is the next level of that.
Hot Goddess Summer is about an activation of not only your next Highest Timeline (by making totally new choices to get off any stuck loops you’re currently in from the artificial matrix or your ancestral lineage) it’s about living, breathing and BE-ing your Hot Goddess Self.
Cuz She’s inside of you and She’s ready to come out!
In fact, it’s imperative that you birth your Hot Goddess Self now, because it’s exactly what’s needed to rise above the machinations of the hijacked agenda which of course wants you in fear, chasing/cowering, fighting amongst your fellow humans and star-beings and in essence, completely disconnected from your Divine Self (it also wants you super fearful about the “economy” too!).
If you want to be of true benefit to yourself, your family, & the collective, be part of this movement to birth your Hot Goddess Self.
If you want to see a higher timeline activated for yourself & the collective, be part of this movement and birth your Hot Goddess Self.
If you want to see increased prosperity and flow in your life, be part of this movement and birth your Hot Goddess Self.
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Now, when we say Goddess, what do we mean?
Goddess is another name for:
- Your Higher Self
- Feminine Christ
- Divine Human
The Goddess is the creatrix of all things – our communities, families, relationships, so much.
When a feminine being is lit up by the Light of Source she transforms and uplevels everything and everyone around her.
And that’s the activation that begins for you in Hot Goddess Summer.
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You’ll walk away from the Hot Goddess Summer Experience:
- More relaxed & creatively activated
- More sexually activated (sexual energy is creation energy, it’s a natural expression of The Goddess)
- Free of old loops/patterns of self-diminishment, self-loathing and self-sabotage
- Expanded magnetism to experience your Soul’s true path forward
- Softer & Gentler
- Increased intuitive abilities and gifts in a variety of manifestations
- Grounded
- Clear
- Clearer innerstanding of the Universe you reside in, who Source is, who God-Goddess is, who you are, who your Angels are and more!
- With actionable, tangible practices and next steps to live as your Goddess Self in form, NOW
- Actionable, tangible next steps to live in your Golden Age, NOW
- Feeling hotter than EVER
In this 2-hour interactive experience, you’ll receive:
- A Sacred Remembering of your Goddess Self
- A Sacred Goddess Activation – that you can re-listen to again and again
- Daily Goddess Practices
- Goddess Recipes for optimal flourishment & enjoyment
- Hot Goddess Summer Spiritual RX – for the entire summer
- Q&A with Dr. Kristian Strang to troubleshoot your own specific patterning/sabotage/unhelpful narratives
- Brand new teaching from Dr. Kristian about the Universe you live in, your role and the role of the other beings around you. This includes an upleveled and brand-new teaching on the influence of the planets (and will help you innerstand astrology from a spiritual vantage point), plus more!
This experience is for you if:
- You feel a deep Sacred Heart “Yes” to live as your Divine human Goddess self.
- You’re willing to let down your walls to soften.
- You’re willing to try a new way of being and eating and living to experience this.
- You’re open hearted, and open-minded.
- You love to gather in community, and also love having your own intimate space.
- You feel a strong resonance with Mary Magdalene and other Goddesses of the Highest Light.
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You’ll step back into your day-to-day life with a new vibrant vantage point, increased energy, & new tools to call forth your goddess Radiance!
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There are 2 Ways to join us for the
Hot Goddess Summer Experience:
- Order the 30-day Goddess version of the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation here.
This 30-day nourishment experience supports you in having radiant skin, upleveled gut/immune system health, strong hair/skin/nails, more energy, deeper/better sleep – all of the elements you need foundationally to live as your Goddess Self.Forward your receipt with the complete Collagen ULT kit to: kristian@sacred-spirituality.org and you’ll receive access to join us on 6/11/23 for the expanded practices/tools/support to activate your Goddess Self at the next level for Summer 2023. *Only the Collagen ULT applies for this special event.
- Not ready for the 30-day cleanse or want to mix-and-match and do your own thang? We got you!
You can still join us to receive the Hot Goddess Summer Experience by gifting in the amount your Spirit guides you to from a sliding scale of: $122-$222.
Gift-in via Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality
OR PayPal friends & family: hkristians@protonmail.com
OR mail a check/money order/gold/silver. Email here for mailing address.
Within 24 hours of your gift-in or ULT receipt being received, you’ll receive your next steps to prepare for the Hot Goddess Summer Experience via email.
All registered participants will receive a replay.
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What Others Say about Dr. Kristian Strang’s Offerings:
“I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating such a wonderfully healing workshop. You are truly a beautiful woman, inside and out, and I could feel your warmth, your sincerity and your compassionate heart. I loved everything about what you offered and found it to be very meaningful and relevant to me.
In fact, during the inner child segment, I was able to extend a healing ritual I have used in the past, but to my surprise, I had a breakthrough to a new level during your event. It has been incredibly powerful for me, and has awakened me to new levels of joy. It's all so beautiful!” -D.G.
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“I am finishing up Day 17 (of a 30-day ULT). This is so different from anything I have ever done. What magic is in those amino acids? Those things keep me going. I am just not that hungry now. Really unusual. I even skip dinner occasionally. Just don’t want it.
I love Radiance Elixir (created by Dr. Kristian). Sleeping so well. More than usual.
I feel more positive also more relaxed. I feel so good overall I just ordered core 4 because I want to continue feeling this good.
In all my years, I have not felt this good about a product. Kind of incredible.”
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I just had to send you an update on my day 3 (of 30-day ULT). I literally feel like I am floating today. So much energy is moving for me and I feel like I drank a double shot espresso. (Of course I’ve only had organic superfoods!) -T.M.
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“I notice feeling grounded and more at peace after doing the chant from the Master Healing Event. Thank you for showing the way with Mary💗🌸” -M.S.
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“My biggest takeaway was how clean I feel from simply consuming organic, natural foods. That will be my lifestyle now and my husband is totally on board which is awesome. Getting creative in the kitchen is my passion and this just took it over the top. I had so much fun.
My senses and energy field were magnified. My body loved the reset and I came to some pretty wonderful realizations during the month of June. I turned inward and listened to my intuition and my guides were present and I was open to receiving.” -J.D.
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“The event was beautiful!! Thank you. I loved it! And felt so connected. I am completely in-line with all that you are receiving and sharing. I went back and watched the recording and expanded on my notes of the 22 signs. All resonate with me and are pretty much all in effect. I am so on board with all of this and will continue to do the work. That's where I'm at now: receiving, integrating and recalibrating. I am feeling more powerful than ever. (and know it will continue to get stronger).” -E.N.
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You can read more Testimonies here.