Create Your Own Economy:
a 5D+ Approach to abundance
Online Healing Event
September 19, 2024
2:22pmPST – 4:22pmPST
As we witness the collective 3D/4D global economy failing, we know there’s a better Way forward.
And the great news is – in its place, the 5D+ Economy is rising.
Part of this rising means we’re taking the whole notion of “economy” and abundance to a new actionable level in your own life – first and foremost.
For you are part of the co-creation of the next Golden Age. You couldn’t be reading these words if that was not the case.
You’re here to Light a new path and create new forms of abundance and flow for your life – at this new and extraordinary time.
It’s not enough to do as you’ve always done and then find yourself disappointed with lack any longer.
You’re being called to a higher Way of giving your gifts, and creating and receiving abundance.
You’re being called to break free of the global systems control at the next level and chart your own Divine course forward with your own economy…
Think of it as your own personal Golden Age (5D+) “Economy.”
With the Fall Equinox before you, and the energies of 9/19 – meaning one chapter has completed and a new beginning has begun – we will gather.
In this gathering, we will invoke Source HerSelf and all of the Highest Light, including Mother-Father God-Goddess of the Golden Age, Mary Magdalene & Yeshua (Jesus) to give you individual and group support (which accelerates your alignment) to create your own Golden Age “Economy” now.
You’ll walk away from this Sacred gathering:
- In a Higher State of Consciousness around Abundance and potentially all things (we never know how deep this group healing can go!)
- Uplifted & Inspired
- Lit Up to create in a whole new Way – free of fear & constriction
- More deeply connected to your Higher Self and Higher Wisdom
- With new ideas & next steps for carrying your specific mission forward
- In a new vibration or frequency of “Goddess YES!” coursing through you
- More deeply connected to your specific dharma
- And potentially…with surprise deposits in your accounts, in your mailbox, etc (we never limit the amount of magical unfoldings that can occur from these Sacred Gatherings – we’ve had everything from inheritances from unknown relatives to contest winnings from our 1:1 and group work)
If you resonate with one or more of the following, then the Create Your Own Economy Online Healing Event is for You:
- Love being on the leading edge of creation
- Love learning new ways of creating and thriving
- Have been struggling with your abundance and creation abilities
- Have felt your magnetism is waning or not as powerful as it once was
- Have been struggling with the best way to give your gifts in the world
- Are confused about how to thrive in the New Paradigm
- Desire to vibrate in a higher frequency but keep getting taken out by noise in the matrix
- Love deepening your spiritual studies
If you’re a “yes” to one or more of the above, please join us at 2:22pmPST (which means everything is working out for you and is a number associated with the Goddess Magdalene) on September 19th either LIVE or via replay for this Sacred and Holy upleveling in your lifestream.
You’ll receive:
- Answers to your most pressing Qs about the economy and your abundance.
- A guided meditation / activation / spiritual attunement to higher dimensions of prosperity and thriving.
- Specific real-world, practical examples of how to create your own economy that you can apply to your specific lifestream.
- The video replay that you’ll have full access to for 30-days.
- A specific segmented audio recording of the guided experience to listen to again and again forevermore.
- A Spiritual RX to come into a higher point of Creation and Magnetism from the inside out
During this Sacred and Holy time together, we’ll give you a spiritual attunement to create your own personal economy that thrives and prospers, as well as provide you with specific details on what creating your own economy looks like (and which contains the 5D+ or Golden Age frequencies).
We’ll also take your individual Qs – so bring your specific situation and receive channeled guidance to support your journey in creating your own economy. Can’t join us LIVE? You can submit your Qs ahead of time.
Feeling the YES?
🌹Gift-in to join us 🌹
$122 – $222+ sliding scale
Gift in the amount your Spirit Guides you to
Venmo @Sacred-Spirituality
PayPal friends & family: hkristians@protonmail.com
SPECIAL BONUS: For those who gift-in at $222+, you’ll receive a special gift! We’ll gift you an individual prayer treatment to bless your own economy in thriving at new levels of abundance. If there’s a specific creation you’d like a blessing for, please include that in the memo of your gift.
Testimonies: What Others Are Saying About Dr. Kristian Strang & Her Group Offerings
More money, less stress. Every time. Thank YOU. -Jordan
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I just finished experiencing the replay from the MasterClass. Soooooooo beautiful! I had such an amazing experience with the mediation. I received very clear insights, all things that I already knew and have been floating around in my mind, but during the meditation the download was given in such a succinct way that I was able to really digest it and write the key points down after the fact. I got clear guidance to do this mediation weekly. -Maya
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I had a major healing with my father after this event! …it is so far from what I would have ever thought could have happened in regards to my father! I really do pray for him and talk with his highest self whenever possible. Thank you so much! This was absolutely because of the ancestral trauma part of the Event! I could have never guessed that it would have acted so quickly and chosen the most necessary area of my life to activate first! Thank you, thank you, you!!! R.H.
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Oh did I have a big shift immediately! I'm now developing a workshop…I've been playing around with some form of workshop for a number of years but never could put my finger on it and I asked my Goddess self, how can I show up as my healer self for children and families? The answer downloaded in my brain and heart in the night and kept me up for many hours! I got up and wrote it all down! I have about 4 or 5 workshops.
I'm so excited about this new offering that perfectly dovetales with what I’m doing now and uses my talents as a leader and offering personal growth for parents! -Kristine
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Absolutely incredible!! I just finished the replay and WOW WOW WOW!!! During the activation/meditation at the end I felt a circle of goddesses form around me…I felt like I was being placed directly into the womb of source, with golden light fractals emanating out (similar to the rays of light we see on depictions of the mother mary). It was so serene and peaceful and activating!
Thank you for this experience. I just had to share that imagery with you! -R.S.
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I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating such a wonderfully healing workshop. You are truly a beautiful woman, inside and out, and I could feel your warmth, your sincerity and your compassionate heart. I loved everything about what you offered and found it to be very meaningful and relevant to me.
In fact, during the inner child segment, I was able to extend a healing ritual I have used in the past, but to my surprise, I had a breakthrough to a new level during your event. It has been incredibly powerful for me, and has awakened me to new levels of joy. It's all so beautiful! -Diane
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Thank you, Kristian! I love love love coming into your swirl. It has upleveled my life, my spirit, my health and abundance in so many ways. You, too, are an amazing blessing to me! -K.K.
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I was so relaxed, peaceful, empowered, rested, blissful after the Masterclass. I just felt so much Joy, it was so good. Thank you! I am so Loving life, loving me, loving The Divine, loving you. It’s Amazing, thank you!” -N.M
*All gifts are unconditional and can be applied to any offering you choose.
©Copyright 2024 Heather-Kristian: Strang